AFAA Certified?

Hello Everyone!

I am on my way to becoming AFAA primary group certified, and then step and kickboxing certified (will study this summer, and then take the courses in the fall).

Can anyone who has gone through this organization give any good planning and preparation advice to me? I love to hear good things about this!

Thank you very much for your time!

Hi Amydaisy!
I have the AFAA primary group cert. My best advice would be to really study the guide they send you. Also, when I took it they set up the performance part a little differently than it is explained in the study guide. We did the little aerobic pattern part, and then for each muscle group (i.e. shoulders, back etc.) we had to show different exercises for that particular group in different positions. For example, for biceps you would do a standing bicep curl then in a kneeling position with one arm supported on your leg do a preacher curl. (That probably doesn't make much sense, but I am not sure how to describe it.) Try to think of as many exercises for each muscle group that you can in standing, sitting, prone, supine (if possible) positions. Our monitor went over this with us before the test and told us what you shouldn't do. (No standing on one leg quadriceps stretch etc.) If you need any other help let me know.


I'm also AFAA certified with several certifications from them, all of which have been very helpful as a group fitness instructor. I agree with well and do expect scrutiny during the practical part where you have to demonstrate your abilities as an instructor. When I went through the testing for my group certification, there were a number of people who passed the written test but not the practical. It's a good thing as I've known some book smart instructors who don't communicate well in a group fitness setting. Best of luck!
Thank you ladies for your responses!

I will study very hard for this test. I am not a very good test taker (multiple choice exams and I do not get along well - lol) but I will give it all I got.

I look forward to it all, and cannot wait to start. I get married in less than 2 weeks (yay!) and last year I finished a very intense 3 year master's program in reading. SO, now with some extra time on hand after the wedding.....I hope to be on my way to becoming AFAA certified.
I can't wait and I won't give up!

Thanks again!!!!! I do appreciate it!


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