Aerobic Step


I live in Australia and have found a step that is reasonably priced but isn't quite the same dimensions as that which you use.
It is:
Length: 35.5" (90cm)
Width : 13" (33cm)
Height: 10" (25cm)

Of course, the step that cathe is using is longer by a good 8.5"
and wider by 3", and the height is also different.
Do you think, based on the amount of "travelling" that one does in a workout that this will be a problem?
I am a beginner and have never done a Cathe workout let alone a step workout so I have no clue. I do, however, know this step is half the price of the others I have seen and for that fact alone it is definitely worth consideration!
Can anyone give me any pointers regarding this problem?

i started my workouts using a small Jane Fonda step. I did have to modify some of Cathe's moves for example there was not enough room for flying angels so I did a pendulem instead. You may want to start with the small step and eventually buy the full length one once you are really into cathe. In the process be on the lookout for used full length steps if your paper has for sale items. Also, I love cathe but you may want to start easier. i started like i said with jane Fonda, Kathy Smith was also one of my firsts. You may get very frustrated if Cathe is your first step experience, plus the need to modify moves due to step height/length.
I have been using a smaller step ever since I started using Cathe tapes in 1994 and I still have the same step. For me, it doesn't cause any problems, and it's easier to store :)
I would be careful with the height of this step. For most of Cathe's workouts, she uses a 6 incher and believe me when I say that this makes it plenty intense. You might have a really tough time doing some of the moves on a step that is 10 inches. You can always modify, though, if you really want to save money on your stepper and buy the 10 inch one. I would strongly suggest, though, to buy the one Cathe uses. If you are really into step aerobics, you will use it ALL the time and will not feel like you wasted money. Hope this helps!
The length of the step can also be more important based on your height and length of legs. I'm 5'8" and started with a Rebok (I think) step in '90. It wasn't long before I got an original Club Step because going over the shorter step didn't tax me enough. Of course, I was doing the Cher Fitness with Keli Roberts and Kathy Smith tapes at that time. :)

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