Advice Please



Can someone recommend an upper body DVD workout that involves high reps and light weights? I'm 5'1 and have a medium build and was told that I shouldn't lift heavy or I'll look heavier. I guess short people have to be careful. Is this true? Is it okay to mix it up with heavy weights one week and than light the next week? I'm 54 years old and have been doing nothing but step classes without seeing any weight loss. I try to do step three times a week and throw in a couple of walks that take an hour or so. My Cathe collection consists of Body Fusion, Low Max and Gym Styles Upper Body. It doesn't have to be a Cathe workout and can be close to an hour.

Thanks so much,
I would say Muscle Endurance for a total body workout with high reps for legs and arms. For just arms, I would have to say Pyramid Upper Body.

I, too, recommend Muscle Endurance or perhaps Power Hour. Also, I think Cathe is about your height, if I remember correctly -- so she might be a good model.

ME is probably one of my favorite workouts -- gives one a good feeling afterwards.
I am 5'0" and notice that the high rep, lower weight workouts make me look more toned...not bulky. Especially upper body.

Power Hour is one of my favorites. Muscle Endurance is good also but I favor Power Hour.
I don't know if anyone recommended Musclemax (it is total body but you could just do the upper body part) but that is a good Cathe one too. You can also go to or to find many many other options for high rep lower weight workouts. I cannot specifically think of just another upper body workout but there are many.

I've heard great great things about Jari Love's, Slim and lean but have not tried it. Her chaptering and premixes are probably nowhere near cathe and this is a total body tape, but you can probably just easily do the upper body part. This is a very popular workout right now. it is cheaper too than cathe's. I think you can get it at collage.

Oh yeah Cathe's ctx upper body is very very good too, and if you get the vhs here it is probably really cheap. I have that one, don't do it often but it is a wonderful strictly upper body high rep workout.

Good luck. If you don't find enough answers here, which often happens to me, you should go to forums and ask there. Good luck!!
I've finished a four week rotation of primarily Pyrmaid Upper/Lower Body and Muscle Endurance. I also did several weeks of the Slow and Heavy series before that. And I love cardio so I always do at least 3 cardio workouts a week.

I'm seeing a real change in my body. Over three months I lost an entire pants size (from a 6 to a 4) with virtually no weight loss (just tighter muscles). I'm only 5'3" and I don't think you have to stay away from heavy weights. You have to build muscle in order to tone muscle. I increased my weight work by almost double in order to get my results. Of course, if you go too heavy for too long, you may get that bulky look. But you'll see that developing and should be able to stop it if you don't like it.
Where do you find Cathe's CTX upper body workout? Is that part of the cross train express series? I didn't see one listed as just upper body.
CTX upper body workout is part of the Cross Train Express Series. I think it's on the second DVD.
Hi Joss. Another shortie here - 5'2" if I spike my hair. Everyone here made great suggestions. I also want to add in that I have seen results by mixing it up on the cardio and weight angle (I also do plenty of yoga). By mixing it up, your body is constantly challenged in new ways and thus you will work harder. Work harder, burn more calories, lose weight. So one week I may do circuit workouts - Boot Camp, Circuit Max - to get in the weight training .Then I may spend a few weeks going heavy on weights, then back to low weight/high rep workouts like Power Hour, Muscle Endurance, then to a split routne. I do cardio 4 times a week - running, kick boxing, maybe step. Then as much yoga as I can fit in. I do not bulk up (you gotta hit the heavy weights a lot over long periods to do that). I am pretty defined. I feel good. When I feel low energy I back off the weights or the high impact cardio. And eat chocolate. Of course, I do that when I feel good as well. BTW I put in about 1 hour per day 6 days a week, sometimes a bit more, sometimes less. I ain't no slave to fitness.

Therefore I suggest you incorporate different kinds of cardio into your workout routine as well as weight training. Kick Punch Crunch is a favorite. Or Kick Max. Billy Blanks Advanced Series Live tapes if you can still find them.

Hope this helps.


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