I am concerned about my doctor and wondering if I should look for another doctor. I feel like I am caught between a rock and a hard place, because I am at 30 weeks and really don't want to start all over. I am pretty sure my doctor is competent, but I think she is exhausted. I like her,but she has missed telling me some important stuff. An example being that at 20 weeks I was diagnosed with placenta previa. All she told me was that I had it and we needed to have another ultra sound in 8weeks. I had my follow up ulta-sound and at that visit she told me I could resume sexual intercourse and moderate exercise. She never told me not to do these things when I was first diagnosed. Another thing that has me conerned is that I take thyroid medication and she hasn't had my levels checked once since my initial visit even though I have mentioned it to her twice. I know she has a baby about a year old, and I can't imagine how tired she gets. I am also her last appointment everytime I go in because I am trying to avoid missing work as much as possible. Everything has worked out alright, I don't think there is anything wrong with my thyroid levels because my weight gain is right on and has been gradual, but on the other hand,is God just looking out for me, inspite of my doctors undersights. ( I know the word is oversight, but this word just seems to apply here.) Do you think I should just try and see another doctor ( that old saying "out of the frying pan into the fire" is ringing in my ears) or should I just talk to her honestly about my concerns? I really think I should just talk to her, but don't know exactly how to go about it. I would appreciate your thoughtful advice. I really feel like I need to make a decision about this pretty soon. Thanks, Paula