Advanced High Step DVD Chapters?


Is this DVD chaptered at all? I didn't see the chapters at the bottom of the web page where it is usually listed and there's no chaptering info in the latest catalog either. Anyone have this and know what the chapters are?

Yes, it is chaptered. There are 5 cycles and there are chapters for each plus the warm-up and stretch. There is also Mix-n-Match which lets you select any exercise. There are premixes (5 or 6) and there is the Workout Blender. Many options here.

This is a great DVD and well worth the money! :) :) :)

Hope that helps!

What IS the workout blender??
I hate to admit this but I don't know how to program my DVD player...
It's a SONY. IS it programmable?
Hi Lisa, the Workout Blender is an option on your DVD that allows you to select program options. You select Workout Blender just like you select Chapters; it's not something you have to do with your DVD player.


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