Adding a Custom Food in the NS



I've just started using the NS, and have a few questions:

1. I took the nutritional analysis of one of my cereal recipes, and added it into the software as a custom food. So, I put in the name of the cereal, calories, fiber, etc. Then when I went to search for that cereal to put into my breakfast meal plan, it's not in the list. How do I get my cereal into the meal plan?

2. Where is regular table salt in the list of foods?

3. All of the grains are coming up as "cooked". How do I insert raw grains (eg. rolled oats, triticale flakes, barley) in my recipes? Is it accurate to select the cooked version, then when it asks me to choose my measured amount, to select the "dry" measure?

Hi, Sandra,

1. You have to find your custom foods by clicking Custom Foods from the upper right. Then you can click your custom food and add it to a meal (or a recipe). I put a lot of my custom foods in my favorites list so I can get to them from there.

2. I've noticed that missing, too. Guess we're not supposed to use table salt :eek:

3. Choosing the dry measure is a good way to do it for recipes or if you cook your grains differently from what "they" might. I've found some cooked foods have more salt/sodium than I typically use.


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