Hello. I am just 6 weeks along in my first pregnancy. My fitness regime includes yoga, pilates matwork, and running 21/2 miles 2 or 3 times/week. I am a dancer/actor by profession and at present am in rehearsal for a production in which I am to be flown in a harness. This is not entirely new to me as I do aerial acrobatics. I had a circus teacher who performed on the trapeze until she was 7 months pregnant!!! My doc has said it's ok as long as I listen to my body and remain comfortable in the harness...(it has adjustable straps!!!) I am due Nov. 7/01 and the production closes October 28/01. I don't think I will make it quite that far, but what is a reasonable estimate? 6 months maybe? I have had one brief rehearsal in the air in which I felt absolutely amazing, however that was a day before I knew I was preg. I ran this morning and felt great. Doc says I can keep it up as long as I pace myself. Any words of wisdom or advice? Also, is it ok to remain at my normal weight for the first 3 months?