Abs: how often do you work your abs?


How many days a week do you work your abs? What tape or equipment do you use? Have you seen good results?


Hi, Mary!

I work abs 5 times per week; two of these workouts are in the pool during the aqua aerobics classes I teach. I use hand buoys to keep the head above water, and do series of V-sit-type crunches with the legs in various positions that really bang the rectus abdominus and obliques; plus, doing prone flutter kicking recruits the abs for stability.

For my land workouts, my fave ab routines these days are Cathe's CTX-Kickbox ab routine and her CTX Power Circuit ab routine, both of which include planks and other core stability work as well. I like to put a pair of 1-lb hand "gloves" on to increase the crunch work. I also like at times to place my heels on a low step (4") rather than on the floor to vary the recruitment of the hip flexors.

I plan someday on bringing stability ball work into the mix, and I'm drooling in anticipation of the new Cathe Ab Hits DVD that's available for pre-order.

I think your best bet is a good combo of supine crunches, V-sits, bicycles and reverse crunches combined with planks!

Ah yes, the dreaded planks!! I have been using the FIRM 5 day abs which I like, I just really wanted to know if it was okay to work my abs each day or if most people rested the abs on alternate days.

Now you have me considering Cathe's upcoming Ab DVD!! And, you have me thinking of finally trying those planks!!

Thanks for your info. It will come in handy. I may try some of your aqua workouts when I'm swimming!!!

I only work my abs twice a week, with no equipment. I do only crunches and lower abs, but I ALWAYS am aware of engaging my abs no matter what kind of cardio I do, and I know that helps.
Taebo and walking are the cardio, for what I do anyway, for working abs.
I do ab work 5 days a week for 15 minutes per. Plus, I do yoga 3 mornings a week plus Sunday, so that works the abs as well.

For my 15 min post cardio abs, I usually do reverse curls, v-sits (straight and to the side) pilates 100's, planks, and up and downs, straight and to the side (like a crunch, but you hold the levels up and down for a count of 8 and never touch down). I also utilize an ab slide one or two days a week to alternate when I am not into thinking much. :)

For years I did 40 minutes of abs 4 days a week and now I can't do that anymore for many reasons. I find that with the exercises above I have been able to maintain abs just the same with less effort!

Just remember, if you are bloated or still carrying a little extra whatever on your tummy, your abs may be hard as a rock but you won't be able to see 'em. Certain times of the month my six-pack goes into hibernation. :)

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