Abs Diet check-in


I haven't seen one of these lately, so I thought I'd post a check-in for anyone on the abs diet.

I'll admit, I've been slacking and haven't been very good about following the abs diet exactly. I've been too overwhelmed with my job search and everything that goes along with it. I've tried not to stray too much from the plan, though, and have maintained my snacking pretty well.

With that said, I weighed myself this morning and lost another pound in the past few days. So, my total weight loss is around 10 pounds now! Wow! I'm just pleased as punch! For nearly a year, I could only GAIN weight, no matter how hard I tried to lose it...and now, I've lost nearly 10 pounds in just about two months.

I wore a blouse to work today that I haven't worn in a couple of years because it's a little too "clingy". My husband looked at me this morning and was like, "Wow, honey, you're looking good there!"

This abs diet thing really works, folks!
I just ordered the book yesterday. I've been trying unsuccessfully to lose that last 10 pounds for a year now. I hope this works for me as well as it has for you!
Can you give us a sample of what you eat for a day when you are strictly adhering to the diet? I have the small book, but have not started yet. Are you able to put 2 of the 12 foods in each meal?
Hi there fellow catlover!

There is a group of about 18 of us doing the Abs diet, and having a challenge. So far we all really like it. Plenty of foods to choose from...since they are foods you eat all the time anyway, and having the support network is great.

I'll let you know how it goes!

yesterday's oprah was about HEALTH, the doctor showed 2 intestines or guts, one was healthy and the other was not, the second one showed fat on it, and It scared me since he said: that is what causes the beer belly on men and sometimes in women, so It is not just the fat layer under your skin, but also the one around your organs and inside your organs, no wonder is so hard for some women, like me, to get rid of the pouch.
The joy of moving, N
Can you give us a sample of what you eat for a day when you are strictly adhering to the diet? I have the small book, but have not started yet. Are you able to put 2 of the 12 foods in each meal?

You know, I don't think I have strictly adhered to the diet since I started it...and I'm still losing all this weight! Isn't that funny?! Can you imagine how much I would have lost by now if I had been strictly...following.....the....HEY, wait a minute! Now, I'm gettin' mad! I COULD have lost more than 10 pounds by now if I'd been strictly adhering to the diet!!!!! x( I'll have to recommit myself to the cause!

At any rate, this goes to show that even if you're not following the diet religiously, you can still make tremendous weight-loss strides! With that said, today I ate:

Two pieces of whole wheat toast lightly smattered with Brummel & Brown for breakfast, along with a big ol' glass of water.

For a snack, I had a Figure 8 protein shake (1 cup OJ, about 12 strawberries, 1 banana, 1 scoop of Figure 8 by Arbonne, blend and drink). I also ate a handful of almonds.

For lunch, I ate the Three Amigos Chili from the small Abs Diet Guide (this is yummy stuff).

More almonds in the afternoon.

Tonight, I might have that leftover Abs Diet Burger in the fridge, along with a big spinach & lettuce salad with light buttermilk ranch dressing.

This has been the strictest I've followed the Abs Diet in a long time. What's really funny is that the other day, I ate two small scoops of ice cream and still lost a pound within two days. But, then again, according to the Abs Diet, ice cream is better than frozen yogurt...and so is milk chocolate (as long as you're not getting the kind that is filled with high fructose corn syrup or the "bad" fats).

Here's what I attribute the bulk of my success to: the protein shakes, the almonds, and the whole wheat bread and tortillas. Oh, and water water water and very little soda pop (diet or otherwise).

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