abs and leg workout questions

Can you work abs and leg floor toning exercises everyday? Also, do you think doing CTX - Kickbox and Leaner Legs consecutively is effective but not overdoing it with the legs? Thank you...
I do abs everyday, unless they are sore form the previous day.But I don't think that you are suppose to
I don't think I would do leg toning everyday either.You don't want to make your legs bigger,I wouldn't think.
I just switch my work outs this week.I started lifting more weights and doing a little less cardio and I think that I am only going to do legs 3 times a week.You need one or two days in between your workouts.
I wouldnt work your legs more than twice a week if you're just starting out, three times max if you arent, but that's just my opinion. This is especially true of Cathe's legs tapes. I can barely walk the next day let alone think about doing another leg workout!! All the cardio you do ie. kickboxing, step etc will work your legs to a certain degree. My problem area is my legs, but I hate doing leg workouts. In a perfect world I'd do two standing leg workouts and one floor leg workout a week, but as it is it's hard to even get myself to do one leg workout a week. As far as abs go, I love working abs so I try to do abs at least 4 times a week. Doing CTX kickbox and a leg workout on the same day wouldnt be too much if the leg workout were a floor workout, my two cents.

I have tried every imaginable workout method for abs and legs, from lifting heavy to doing some kind of leg workout everyday as is promoted by Lower Body Solutions.

I have found, and this was suggested to me by a trainer last winter, that working legs only 2 times a week with low weights and high reps works the best. I've kept track of my workouts and this is what I've done since last December. I only work abs 2 times a week. I also do step aerobics at least 2 times a week which some thing "bulks" your legs. I have not found this to be the case.

I do not floor work, only one inner thigh exercise, and no outer thigh exercises except for kickboxing, which works your outer thighs.

That being said, everyone is different, so you have to try and tweak as needed.

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