? about oblique work

I'm not sure which workout it is on, but on the oblique work in the intensity series, when you lie on your side with your legs raised off the floor a little and crunch to the side, then when you sit on the soft part of your butt and bring knees in and out, then you stay on that same side and do twisting planks. I think I am a little confused because when I do these three exercises, for the first two, I feel it working in my side that is facing closest up or to the ceiling but then when I do the twist plank thing I feel it on the other side, closest to the ground. Is this right? Sorry if this is confusing. Thanks.
I did this workout just the other day, its on Cardio & Weights. I noticed the same thing, the first two work the one side of obliques and then the twisting one works the other side. I do believe this is correct in feeling it that way. Love this workout!
Debbie in OH
When you flex laterally (to the side), you are working the same side intenal and external obliques. When you rotate, you are working opposite side internal and external obliques. This is why you feel it on the side closest to the ground when you rotate toward the floor. So, you are correct in your observations! :7


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