? about exercises w/out weights


Hi everyone :)

I have a question about exercises that use your own body weight for resistance.

Honeybunch gave the advice on another post about doing tricep dips for additional firming of that upper arm tricep area (the one that sags/waves in the breeze! :() but I'm wondering if I can do a set or two everyday without it causing any problems with muscle recovery from my upper body weight training days?
I'm thinking it shouldn't prevent proper recovery, but then again, is working the muscle working the muscle regardless of whether you use weights or your own body weight?

Thoughts? Advice?

If it's okay, I'm thinking as part of my morning ritual while waiting for the coffee to brew I can do a set or 2 of dips right off the kitchen chair, and maybe with that sort of triceps dedication I can at least firm that area a bit more. But I do work my triceps 3x/week with weights, so what is the concensus?

As usual, any and all input is appreciated :)

p.s. this should have been listed as 1 of my "quirks", If there's a grey area to be found in any situation, leave it to me to find it! :)
Hi Donna,

I would only do the tricep dips on your regular triceps workout days, not in between, and keep the rest days for muscle recovery. Your triceps don't know if the weight you're challenging them with comes from dumbbells or your body--it's still weight to them.

While we're here on tricep dips (which I love), I want to share how I modify them to my body's taste. I find it very uncomfortable and limiting to my range of motion to do them off my step. I always do them from a chair and I prefer them at half tempo to what Cathe usually does (well, except with S&H of course). And did you know that you can make them a lot harder by varying your foot placement? The farther your feet are from the chair, the more of your weight you are lifting so the harder they are (your back is still grazing the edge of the chair, only the feet are further out). HTH. --Karen
I agree with Karen, with the added caveat that triceps dips are also very challenging to the shoulder joint and anterior deltoid, so overstressing those should be avoided at all costs.

I love triceps dips myself, and like Karen I like to place my feet further away for added challenge; I also like to place my feet / heels on a 6" or 8" platform to deepen the dip and do 'em r-e-a-l s-l-o-w. As you get better / stronger at these, and are paying attention to shoulder strengthening, consider adding a dumbbell or barbell across your hips as well if you're not already doing so.

Go for it!

Hi Donna,
I have to agree with what Karen has said above. I definitely think that the muscle recovery time is so important when doing any kind of "weight-bearing" work. This down time is when the muscles are actually doing alot of their work - growing, repairing, building. I certainly understand the temptation to want to do these exercises every day - I too have "batwing arm syndrome"! Also, the pressure which is placed on the wrists when doing tricep dips is great - doing them everyday may eventually cause wrist problems.
Just as a suggestion, I have seen some good results to my arms in general doing the following:

1) Work the triceps with weights/dips every other day.

2) Plank work - I really find holding a plank position works my shoulders, triceps and biceps in a functional, but effective, way. Perhaps you could do plank work on the "in-between" days?

3) Kickboxing - I know you love your kickboxing workouts! Maybe you could concentrate on putting real effort into every punch (imagine you are hitting a punchbag with each punch) - even Cathe has said on another thread that her arms have defined even more just from all the punching.

Hope this helps, Donna. I'm right there with ya in the great "batwing battle"!


Today Is The Tomorrow We Worried About Yesterday And All Is Well.
Thank you both, and no I do not add the weight yet. I use to sub for dips for a long time by using a heavy dumbbell and doing an overhead extension, because at a higher weight I just couldn't manage proper form, or really lift my bodyweight to do dips until recently. So dips are a "new to me" exercise on the Cathe videos, and I'm loving the fact that I can actually do them, and adding the barbell will be a "something to work towards" thing! :)

So I will just do the dips on my upperbody days, and do you think it would be best to do as a "pre-exhaust" for my triceps prior to beginning my triceps workout?
Thanks Kaz :)

And yes, with every jab/punch I try to picture toning that area, and it's getting better, but as my daddy always said, "nothing worthwhile comes easy!" So I'll just keep at it!

And I'll try the planks. I really need to get stronger with those anyway. I still shake like a leaf on those!


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