abdominal machines and apparatus'


New Member
Dear Cathe,
As you well know there are more and more machines and belts that claim will flatten your stomache in weeks. When it comes to these I'm kind-a from the old school. I believe a good abdominal workout can be done without many of them. My question to you is what do you think about all of these new abdominal machines and belts? And if you're allowed to tell me, which one would you reccommend?

I also would to add that I think your tapes are the greatest! I love a challenge and that's what you offer. Keep up the hard work.

Sincerely, Dawn
I'm not Cathe ... but I did ask my chiropractor about the abdominal belts with the electronic stimulation. He uses muscle stimulators in his practice to get the muscles to stop spasming. He said that while there is some contraction of the muscle with the stimulators, it's not enough to increase muscle tone.

Equipment just isn't necessary to work those abs. But then again, variety can make things fun! I love getting on the reformer and doing stuff at the Pilates studio.

http://www.plauder-smilies.de/pyth.gif Gretchen
And, remember also that you can have the hardest stomach muscles, if you've got a layer of fat over them, no amount of ab work will make your tummy flat.

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