Ab workout during pregnancy


New Member
I am five months pregnant and I would like to continue to work my abs but of course I am finding this a difficult task - considering that I cannot lay down without feeling a little dizzy. Any suggestions out there for ab work? Such as videos that you may have used or heard of or how I can modify some of my Cathes or Firms to incorporate some ab work. My doctors office told me to just wait until after the baby is born and then worry about my abs. I don't like that answer! Any help would be appreciated!!
How about a Fitball?

[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Jul-24-02 AT 10:06PM (Est)[/font][p]I just ordered a pregnancy video using a fitball. I haven't received it yet, but it's supposed to have an emphasis on abs and lower back during pregnancy. It's called Great Expectations Pregnancy Program with Lisa Westlake. I got mine from Ebay, but I think the seller would be willing to sell directly. I know she has more than 1 because she had 2 auctions running, 1 for a fitball and video, and one for just the video. Her name is Amy, and she has great feedback at Ebay ( user name life-is-a-ball ). Here is her address:

[email protected]

I have high hopes for this video as my pregnancy progresses. I'm only 8 weeks now, but the time is coming . . .:)

Have you tried doing ab work on an incline on your step? That might reduce the dizziness problem. Good luck!

RE: How about a Fitball?

Erin -

Thanks for the advice! I never thought of a fitball or inclining my step - now that seems so obvious. I'll try it this week!!


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