Ab exercise


I found this on a site called AskMen.com FWIW. I'm going to try it

Registered User
Posts: 60
(5/26/02 10:29:13 pm)
Reply Great ab exercise I picked up today
Today at the gym, I saw a guy doing a situp on the floor with nothing holding him down. But it took him like 10 seconds to get up and 10 seconds to get down.

I asked and he said its was some kind of slow situp that works pretty well. So I tried it.

Damn, its hards and my abs burn like hell. Hell, I only did 5 of them before collapsing, its a big burn compared to crunches that I'm used to.

So, just put your knees up, back flat, suck your tummie in, and try to go up as slow as you can and back down as slow as you can. Doesn't look very high intensity, but its sured burned the hell out of me.

Hope this helps someone.

Registered User
Posts: 775
(5/27/02 12:19:44 am)
Reply You've just discovered something key
Negatives will give you a serious burn, in ANY exercise.

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In a recent issue of Muscle & Fitness Hers there was an article on Core training (April, I believe), and the particular woman in the article emphasized the need for slow speed reps. She didn't so any special exercises (crunch w/knees on bench, decline crunch on bench, reverse crunch with straight legs) but she said the negative is what counts. She doesn't do more than 10 reps, either, and said if you can do more than 10, then you are going too fast. I'll double-check the issue and write tomorrow night (assuming I re-locate it)with the date and pages.

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