

I cannot stand my skin any more!!! I have never had acne and now I'm getting that hormone related adult acne in addition to those "fine" lines. I'm 37 and my pores are the size of satellite dishes and all blocked. Does anyone else have this problem? Most acne medications dry out my skin too much and I think I've tried every over-the-counter product on the market. And because it's hormonal, topical treatments seems to be a losing battle. If anyone can recommend a good product I'd sure appreciate it. I'll be 80 years old with zits!

I am not aging gracefully (I refuse ;-) ). Although, I must admit I'm getting tired of all the time spent on upkeep: coloring the grays, endless moisturizing, eye gels, wrinkle creams, dealing with spider veins...blah, blah, blah. I have no desire to look 21 again but I just want to look as good outside as I feel inside. Thanks to Cathe, the easiest, most fun part of defying the aging process is working out. I'm extremely grateful that genetically I'm built just like Cathe - only of course not so awesome and cut (but I'm working on it!) It's just above the shoulders that needs an overhaul :) !

Thanks for letting me vent! And please help with skin advice!

Have you tried birth control pills? After my second child (I was 38) I had terrible acne and switched BCP's to Ortho-Tri-Cyclen. My face cleared right up.

Just a suggestion.....Robin.
Thanks for responding Robin. I've been taking b.c. pills continuously with no breaks since I've been 18. The kind I'm on now are low dosage with a little extra kick of estrogen per my docs advice. I have an appt in Aug. and I'll ask her if I should switch.


You made me laugh out loud. . I know the feeling. Have you tried Loreal skin products? They have oil-free lotions & a cleanser for mature skin. I'm 40. I really like the new Visible Results lotion. Its about $l7.00 -- but remember you're worth it! My skin is much clearer now. I still get breakouts from time to time but overall my skin is much better. I've used most of the acne products, my nephew's ProActive, my daughter's Clean & Clear, etc., and Loreal is what helped my skin. Just be sure to buy oil-free. I also use witch hazel a few times a week. Dab it on a cotton ball and go for the oil. It isn't drying like the acne medications but does remove oil. Afterwards use the oil-free lotion to prevent drying. I also put witch hazel on my back to prevent the sweating pimples that sometimes pop up. Good luck and know you're not alone!!
Have the pre-menstral headaches started? Before my period, I get real THUMPER headaches that are from low estrogen. Two Advils work for me . .
Hi Lorrie,

Wow, I can really empathize! I am 37 years old, and still battle with acne issues myself! My back is my biggest problem right now, along with my chest. I've been working with a dermatologist for about 6 months now, and my face is doing great thanks to Retin-A (but it took awhile for results) and taking Minocycline twice a day, but the back and chest remain stubborn beyond belief!! My troubles are totally hormonally related; always getting worse right before my period--like now :-( My doctor says that hormonal acne is the among the hardest to treat. I've also been told that working out and being as active as I am (ie, I sweat a lot!) contribute to the problem (but that'll never stop me!). It is sooooo frustrating!!!

Definitely check with your doctor about the BCPs you are using. I've been on various BCPs over the years (on none now), and found that many of them made my acne worse. BCPs that have been recommended by my dermatologist are Ortho TriCyclen, Demulen and Zovia. I spent most of my BCP years on Demulen or Zovia and they worked well for me as far as acne was concerned. Just food for thought, YMMV! :)

Anyway, don't know that I've been helpful here, but wanted you to know you're not alone in your frustration! Hang in there!
Hi Lorrie, try vitamin B5 (pantothenic acid) at between 2,000 and 10,000 mg per day for a while. I suffered with adult acne for years before finding out about this treatment on an acne forum. The theory is that high levels of hormones (whether its sex hormones or stress hormones) deplete the body of B5. Because B5 is also needed for efficient fat metabolism, if levels of the vitamin are low, fats aren't metabolized properly, and instead get dumped onto the skin causing open pores and spots. I tried all sorts of antibiotics, creams, BC pill, etc, saw several doctors and a dermatologist, and nothing worked. When I tried B5, my skin (and hair) began to get less oily within a few days, and started to clear up within a couple of weeks.

I wish that doctors knew about this treatment, but they don't - probably because its a vitamin and, therefore, not promoted by any drug companies! Hope this helps.
One more thought, try to go without makeup (eg foundation) as much as possible as, in my experience, this will clog your pores (even if it says it won't!). Take care!
I'm all for going to the dermatologist - someone else mentioned Retin-A and Minocycline, I used those and about everything else under the sun as a teenager, and they work well...I especially liked the oral antibiotics becasue they don't dry your skin out and it takes the redness out of your breakouts. I've also found that drinking TONS of water helps flush out my skin, giving me the same results as the antibiotics did for smoothing my skin. One over the counter thing you might try is Tee Tree Oil, that works pretty well. Benzyl Peroxide is very irritating to the skin and most over the counter strenght medications don't really do much. And make sure there is no mineral oil or Isyprople Myrisate in anything you put on your face or your hands since you touch your face with them. And vitamin E oil has been making me break out lately too, since I started buying anti-aging face lotions, so I've been avoiding that too. Also sometimes its actually your hair care products, even shampoo and conditioner, some ingredients can make you break out. But if you do all that and still have problems, you should go see your doctor!
I have had moderate acne since I was about 9 and am now 33. My face wants to break out around my period every single month (am also on low does bc pills) & I tried everything, too. I refused to go on Accutane when a Dr. said that was all that was left for me to try (that stuff is toxic and not worth it unless you have really severe acne, if you ask me.) Then I found, after much trial and error and different combos, 2 topical courses of treatment that work best of everything, including Rx stuff. I have huge pores, so that is a factor in what works.

1. Neutragena "pore defining" scrub cleanser ($7) , astringent ($7) , mask ($12), and wrinkle reducer/acne treatment cream ($11). You really must also use a good moisturizer, Neutragena makes several in the $6-15 range. Products usually last about 2 months. Use adult acne spot treatment on the breakouts when you get them.

2. Murad acne treatment, basic kit plus mask and toner. Total cost on-line is $99 ( Lasts me 2-3 months using very sparingly. This has been a wonder product for me, but I can't always afford it.

Just what worked for me. Your problem probably isn't as persistent as mine (I hope not for you!) What I eat seems to really affect my breakouts, but that is an individual thing. Best of luck, I know how frustrating this is. You'll find something, don't give up!
I just want to add the flaxseed is helpful. I've always had an ance problem (29) and found this helped. I notice I had less breakouts and that's before I knew it helped fight against ance. It's recommened that you grind the flaxseeds in a coffee grinder to get the full benfits. I normally put between 1-2tbs in my yougart. It has a nutty flavor.
I hate to sound like an informercial, but I use Proactiv and let me tell you for me, my stepdaughter and husband it has been amazing. My stepdaughter visited a couple of Christmases ago and her skin was in terrible shape. It was obviously depressing her and I had some extra product and let her try it. Several months later we were visiting her and her skin was clear as a bell. She had ordered it since trying mine. I started breaking out badly when we moved from Canada to Texas. Nothing I tried seemed to work until I tried the Proactiv, and I'm still using it.
Lorrie, Are you SURE it's adult acne?? Have you been to a dermatologist?? I ask because after I had my son in 1997 (Iwas 34 at the time, I began to develop what I THOUGHT was acne on my nose and cheeks, it got bad, and nothing helped, I complained to my OB-GYN and she put me on ortho-tri cycline but it did nothing! A few years went by and last summer I told my medical doctor who referred my to a dermatologist (why I waited so long I have NO idea), I went and was diagnosed with ROSACEA (I always spell it wrong) she put me on tetracycline for a while, along with Metro cream (a lotion for the inflamed areas) and it is GONE! Some redness reamins, and my pores are visible, but what a drastic improvement!! Now, of course, I am not telling you this is what your problem is, just telling you what happened to me. If by chance it is rosacea, the longer it goes on untreated, the worse it gets. Go see a dermatologist is my final thought! I should have gone years ago!! Good luck. Judy
[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Mar-13-02 AT 09:27AM (Est)[/font][p]Thanks so much everyone! Lots of excellent suggestions, I'm going to print them all and start experimenting. I have tried Proactive and Neutrogena's pore refining cleanser and moisturizer but I read somewhere recently you have to give your skin 2 months to adjust to new products to see results so I may have to try again. The majority of my problem is blocked pores & blackheads and masks and pore strips do practically nothing.

I really appreciate everyone's input and advice! :)

I feel your pain!!! I had beautiful skin as a teenager, and then once I had kids, I started having pms and acne. A few years ago, I thought my skin looked worse than ever, with enlarging pores. I did see a dermatologist about 10 years ago, and had good result, however, I had 2 more kids, it came back. This last year I have experimented with several different products, and finally feel I have found something that works, although I find I have to alter my skin care regime depending on the time of the year. Right now, I use Proactiv skin cleanser,(I don't use the astringent or acne cream), and follow up with Almay Kinetin lotion (I'm 36). Other times of year I use Cetaphil. I did find the more I dried my skin out, the worse my skin looked (thin, dry, with more acne). Now it's plumped up, rare acne, and pores appear much smaller. It was trial and error. I tried several skin care lines with little improvement.

I guess my point is what works varies for everyone. I do recommend starting with a dermatologist, or trying the Proactiv line (you can buy it without the autoshipments on QVC). I hope you find something, as I know how frustrating and awful acne is, especially when you've worked so hard to have a healthy body.

Good Luck,
Thanks Renee! I just went to QVC's website and ordered some Proactiv. I hated those auto shipments which is why I quit using it before. I always had 100 extra bottles of the repairing lotion and would run out of the cleanser. I also got some of the moisturizer - you're right, the drier skin gets the worse it looks! Otherwise I'll try the Almay, I've seen it at the drugstore.

Thanks for the information!

Hi, I wanted to respond because I had the same complaints as you just 6 months ago, and my skin has really changed since adding in a couple of products (sorry if this post is repetitive, I didn't have time to read the other posts).

I use Cellex-C or Skinceuticals C in the morning, followed by a hyaluronic acid (Hydra 5 B Complex). I also use Mario Badescu Cleanser and Toner and Olay Total Effects for my moisturizer. In the evening, I use a retinol solution and an alpha hydroxy acid. I used to have huge pores, breakouts, blotches and fine lines (I'm 36) and my skin has completely cleared up, I have very small pores, and my skin feels like velvet (in addition to all of the blotches disappearing). I think the Vitamin C solution, Retinol and the alpha hydroxy acid are the keys for me, in addition to a good cleansing/moisturizing routine (a.m. & p.m.). I also think Retin-A can be a big help for acne, but also quite drying/reddening, so your skin can't be too sensitive if you choose to use it.

Good luck!
RE: Tell us how you do!

Lorrie, please let us know when you find something that works. I have seen a few new ideas on this post that I passed on to friends who haven't had success with the treatments that work for me.
You are absolutely right, it takes about 2 months to tell if a regimen works. Note, a really good product like Proactive, Murad, and some Rx will cause "skin purging" meaning you might break out worse just at first. That's why you have to stick with it long enough to let your skin purge and heal.
Another good point made is not all acne is true acne. It's good to get seen at least once to make sure what yours is. Mine is actually mostly folliculitis vs. true acne.
Again, good luck, and please let us know when you find success.
Can you let us know where we can get all your products you've listed? I am 38 year old and been using Proactive for two years. My acne is some what under control but having problems with the brown spots. I thought retinol and hydroxy acid might help sheding this. Olay total Effects, they seems too heavy and was afraid it might clog my pores. Maybe I should try it again.

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