A very negative article about home exercisers..

Just a quick response:

I live just outside of Phila and read Art Carey's column every week.
I read this one, too.
Though he does seem to be a traditionalist and a bit rigid in his fitness beliefs, he has, over the years, given ink to other formns of exercise (yoga, etc.).
He has profiled home exercisers before--and prasied them (though they did not use videos, or at least videos were not mentioned).
He typically writes good-natured columns and admits to being wrong about a particular fitness practice once he sees its merits.

What he said should be taken with a grain of salt--he did say, after all "most videos are made by morons, for morons"--not ALL of them.

However, it would not be a bad idea to contact him and let him know about Cathe's videos and website--there are a lot of people out there who would benefit.

Honestly, I didn't find it so offensive... although I didn't like the "moron" line. Obviously this guy has never heard of or seen Cathe in action... no morons there! ;-)

One good point that I thought it seemed more focused on was the increasing epidemic of obesity in our children today - and the gross amounts of food that go into those "supersized" meals. That is a discussion worth the ink!

Editing back in to say that you're absolutely right - WE'RE NOT MORONS! We RULE! ;-)
I didn't really find it offensive either. He was referring to a lot of the exercise videos that ARE a waste of time. Lets face it - many of them are. He just has never met Cathe.

Honestly I think the point of his article was the video he was plugging by the local mother and her kids.

Maybe if people write, he'll plug Cathe in a future article!

Did you really read this article? Yes, the article begins as a slam on home exercise videos but he goes on to say "Today, though, I'm making an exception." He then toughts the benefits of the video of "Curley." Apparently he thinks this just might be a benefit to children.

You have to admit some of the home exercise videos that were produced in the 80's were pretty horrendous. A lot of us remember doing at least one poor form Jane Fonda video! How about the Cher workout? Just my opinion but those were pretty awful!
A lot of people on Videofitness.com are emailing him and his editors, but I don't think it will have any effect at all. This guy seems kind of like the Howard Stern of journalism. Insult him, cricise him, disagree with him, he'll just soak up the attention, even if it is negative. He's probably getting a big laugh over all the emails being sent to him. Nothing will change this man's mind. He obviously has an audience that reads him regularly.

More effective than yet another letter to him, would be an article or a letter to the editor that will inform the readers about the benefits of home exercise.
I think we should remember that just because some videos may be considered too easy or a "waste of time" for someone who consistently does Cathe, that doesn't mean they aren't very valuable for someone else. The author seemed to be concerend about the rise of obesity, and I say if an obese person spends 20 minutes a day doing Richard Simmons, Jane Fonda or whoever...Great! I think for the most part all fitness videos have value, it just depends who is using them. We have the tendency to say, "But he hasn't tried Cathe!", but the point is he was wrong to say most videos are made by morons for morons, because anyone who is spending their time doing any fitness video is anything but a moron in my mind. Better than spending time sitting on your bum reading his article :) JMHO, Heather

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