A Step question

Ok I'm new to the step exercises and really do like them. I actually started out with Kathy Smith great buns and thighs (love this workout),but my question is are you suppose to work up to raising your step up a notch from time to time. She does a lot of squats and I'm not sure if raising this will eventually cause knee problems? Any info would be helpful Thanks:)
IMO, I'd say just do what is comfortable for you and your body. You don't EVER have to use a single riser if you are not comfortable with it. You can try it and if it bothers your knees, just don't do it again...As far as when to add those risers? Again, totally up to you and when you are comfortable!

Have a great work out!


I smoked my last cigarette on March 17, 2004 at 10:00 pm!


I agree with Wendymin- just do what is comfortable.

Besides, you can up the intensity as your fitness level progresses without increasing the height of your step. Just exaggerate the movements and you'll be surprised how much more intense your workout can be.

Hope that helps,

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