A question for CATHE!


Active Member
Hello Cathe, (and all
I pray all is well with you and your family!
Do you consider the classes that you teach "your" workouts? Being a fellow instructor, I've heard the aerobics cliche' "You are there for them, it's their workout, not your own..." but I'm not sure how to interpret this? The reason I ask is I'd like to add your strength tapes to my current program, I will be teaching BodyPump once week (after I send my tape in!) and a high intensity cardio class also once a week (= 2 classes/week). As you know, BP focuses on high (very high) reps and low weights, being more of an endurance workout. I'd love to add your PS series and MIS somehow, as well as your 8 new videos when they become available, for more muscle strength. Could you say that I'm overtraining if I teach BP (I use a lighter than normal load for teaching purposes) and do a PS tape on the same day? I know I'm going to have to be creative on this, but I would appreciate your opinion...how did you ever do it? Where does your energy come from???
Thank you!

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