A new Cathe fan on the way!


I've been struggling with my workouts for the past week, and was really getting frustrated, except for that nagging suspicion that turned out to be right . . . I'm PREGNANT! :) The baby is due March 8th. I'm only 4 weeks at this point. I did a test the day my period was due because I had been having some suspiciously familiar symptoms. For those counting on their fingers, yep, this is baby number 5. My other children are thrilled. They've been dying for a new sibling for a few years now. I'm happily filling up my shopping cart at Amazon, starting with Dr. Clapp's book. It will be interesting to compare this pregnancy with the others, since I'm so much more fit and motivated this time around. Any other books besides Dr. Clapp's and Expecting Fitness that are must haves? :)

So, IMax and several other high intensity workouts will be getting a vacation, and it's time to re-acquire Cathe's Wedding video, which I read at VF is a great one for that 3rd trimester after many other workout begin to join IMax on the "not until after baby" shelf. I also read that Fit For 2 is about the only pregnancy video worth my time. Does anyone have it or have used it and can give me an opinion? I decided not to order it yet because I won't need it for several months anyway.

Thanks for any input!


P.S. I'm the same Erin-F as ErinF. I somehow got logged off, and I can't remember my password. My email address has changed and I couldn't find any way to change it so Cathe's crew could send it to me.
Congratulations Erin! I'm so happy for you! I saw your post at the VF strength check-in and was just thrilled.
Wishing you a happy, healthy pregnancy!!
Hi Erin,
Congratulation! Wow - number 5 - how exciting.

I have the Fit for 2 tape. I ordered it early in my pregnancy but put it away because it wasn't quite challenging enough. Now that I'm 29 weeks along, I need to pull it back out. I only did the step portion once in the early days so can't remember too much except that it seemed like a good pace for late pregnancy. It's not the most interesting choreography, but it's better than a lot of intermediate step tapes. I haven't tried any other pregnancy tapes for cardio, so I don't have much to compare it to except what I've read. The quality isn't great, but it's not terrible either. As pregnancy videos go, I would say it is probably the only one worth buying for cardio. Again, this is only based on what I've read (also at VF). I think the best bet for late pregnancy is just moving down to regular intermediate videos since the selection in prenatal tapes is still sadly lacking.

The toning segments aren't terribly challenging and again, I think regular intermediate tapes may be a better bet for someone who is fit starting their pregnancy (like most of us here), but I wanted to at least see what modifications she made to get some ideas.

The other prenatal tape I have that I like is Crunch Yoga Mama, if you are interested in yoga at all. It's about 40 minutes I think and relaxing. Again, it was helpful to me to see what modifications were made for pregnancy rather than doing regular yoga tapes and guessing at what I should modify.

Sorry this is so long. Good luck!

Congratulations Erin!

I don't have much to offer in the way of workout tapes, but wanted to extend my best wishes. Good luck with #5!


(Was wondering if you were the SAME as ErinF! Thanks for clarifying that for us.) Erin, I am sooo thrilled for you and the fact that your others kids are soo excited too! Congratulations! Here's a big cyber hug for you {{{ERIN}}} and a wish that your normal fitness level will return soon. Sorry, I can't help in the vid department. My babies are 23 & 29 now, so you would NOT be interested in ANY tapes from waaaay back then! Keep us posted!

Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH http://www.plaudersmilies.de/wavey.gif If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!

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