A mouse in the house!

Do you have a shed? Or, hey! here's another idea! What about housing the cat in the firehouse?! Since it's their lawn, maybe it can be the firecat. LOL! Kind of like a dahlmation, hee, hee! Ok, I probably just spelled that wrong, it looks wrong, but I'm not sure what the correct spelling is.
Or, how about a cat house? Ok, now I'm just getting silly.


Just a warning here. If they ever do mowed down the lot, your problem may increase. I had a friend who had a neighbor who left their house vacant for several months. The grass in the back yard got pretty high so the city had to come out and cut it. When they did cut it, my friend ended up with rats in her yard and in her pool that had been living in the tall grass.

I guess if I was in your shoes, I would do the poison if I knew my pets wouldn't be able to get at the poison or a poisoned mouse. Other wise I would have to use traditional traps. I know they can be cruel, but I think the sticky traps are cruel too when they work. We tried them once and the mice were able to run through them without sticking. We had little feet prints in the gooey stuff. Maybe they had sat on the store self for too long. When that happened we got a cat who got ended up getting along great with our dog, both are in animal heaven now :( , and never had a problem again.

WE go through this every fall...Just a few in the house... Monte, our holstein lard-butt cat is the "mouse man" (the other one runs away!)...Last week DH and I were sound asleep until he dropped one (still able to move) in bed with us at 2am...OMG! WE have 10 acres miles from town, but think we (yes, him, too!) yelled loud enough to be heard that far away! If we didn't have cats, we'd Decon in the house...It works in the garage...

MJ in MN
I occassionally had problems w/ mice too ... would find the cleaned or partially eaten carcases left by my 2 cats. I had the house siding and basement windows weather caulked a few years ago and haven't had a problem since.
Well, I experienced this when dh was gone to Iraq. I think it was neighbors doing fencing. I sat down with my coffee and there was a mouse. Then after that I saw another. I used the sticky traps. It wa so weird seeing that mouse trying to get off. Actually one did get off. Anyway I used these eery night and put bait traps behind the refrigerator. It worked. I have a rabbit and then later we got a dog so could not have bait out where they could get at it.
We have 2 useless cats when it comes to mice. So cats aren't always the answer.

Every fall after the first frost, the mice try to come in. A month of the standard snap trap with peanut butter and we start to make a dent in the population.

When a cat presents you with a mouse it is honoring you. Try and act honored if you want it to keep doing it.

We've dealt with the same thing. I don't recommend the poison traps becasue the mice will take it and may end up dying and rotting in your walls. We had a horrible stench in the kitchen and couldn't figure out why. When DH had to replace the bottom of a cabinet due to a leak, we found several carcasses under the cabinet. Once we got rid of the carcasses, the stench went away. For that reason, I stay away from the poison bait traps.

Someone else posted that they made sure every scrap of food was sealed and put away so that the mice wouldn't have any food to eat. That helps big time. Plus find every tiny hole into your house and plug it/seal it/block it. Mice can get into the tiniest crevices. Put traps outside around the foundation of your house so that you'll catch them before they get in.

Sorry to say it, but the most effective thing we tried was the standard snap traps with PB. I know it seems cruel, but which do you want safe, happy mice or a mouse free home? You have to remember that mice can bring in fleas and disease too.

At first we caught two or three a day, then it tapered off to one every couple of days. Finally we stopped getting them, but it took several weeks. Also we had to set new traps every spring and fall. Fall was worse. By being watchful and getting an early start with the traps, we finally managed to keep them out of the house, but we had to be ever vigilant.

Eventually you'll get on top of the problem, be persistent. Good luck!


"Age is a question of mind over matter. If you don't mind, it doesn't matter." Satchel Paige
If it weren't for our little mouse problem two years ago I would not have acquired the most adorable cool cat on earth, Jazzy J. Within two weeks she had the mouse problem solved.

I completely understand. It might be worth it to get an outdoor cat. My brother did this and made an insulated "dog house" for it to sleep in.

As you may have read we are having this problem too, but my cats are hunting like mad right now. Even still we are setting old fashiond traps in our basement with peanut butter and still catching some. Between our cats and the traps yesterday we caught 5!! I would suggest setting out 4 traps in varous areas with peanut butter. Make sure your dogs cannot get at the traps.

Judy "Likes2bfit"

If you fail to plan, then you plan to fail.


>Darn it. I don't have it on this comp. DH took pictures of mice in the trap.

I think I speak for everyone here when I say please do not post these pics!!!


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