A good nutritional cookbook?


Active Member
Can any of you recommend a cookbook with recipes in it for really clean eating?
For example, Cynthia Hill has "Cooking with Cynthia"
Anyone ever tried it?
I find it difficult to eat clean because I get so bored with
Chicken breast and steamed vegetables.
Here are some of the ones that I love . . .

[link:www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ASIN/0767900146/qid=1018919341/sr=8-1/ref=sr_8_71_1/002-7858049-8605660|Vegetarian Cooking for Everyone]

[link:www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ASIN/0609600850/qid=1018919434/sr=2-3/ref=sr_2_3/002-7858049-8605660|Pillsbury Fast and Healthy Cookbook : 350 Easy Recipes for Everyday]

I'm a fussy person. Both are excellent books.

Keta. :D

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I have every book Deborah Madison has ever done. They are all wonderful, aren't they?

She has a little thin paperback called "This Can't Be Tofu" which has some really great tofu recipes in it. I love tofu, probably eat as much or more as any Asian person.
Ah yes, I love her books too. She's actually the one that turned me onto vegetarian cooking and eating. I never thought vegetarian cooking could be that good. With that kind of cooking, you really don't need any meat or really miss it.

I love that book!

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My current fave is 'The Healthy Kitchen' by Andrew Weil and Rosie Daley. It fits in perfectly with my philosophy of clean eating - (whole grains, beans, fruit and veg). I love the way they use herbs, spices and sauces from around the world like tamari, ginger, tumeric, cilantro, miso etc. to give food a kick. Some recipes require more time but most of them are simple. I also cook a lot for friends and family and this book has some great recipes that satisfy their tastebuds as well as my own need to eat clean.
My all-time fave is "Lickety Split Cooking for Health Conscious People on the Go" by Zonia Foco. It is an excellent cookbook with really "usable" recipes (easy to find ingredients, stuff your family would really eat, etc) It also gives instructions with each recipe to put together a complete balanced meal (i.e., "while waiting for the water to boil, cook vegetables..") for the cooking challenged among us :) Also, it gives a complete grocery list in the back. There are chapters for slow cookers, breakfast, quick meals, and even "Oven-Exercise-Eat"-- meals that take about 30 minutes to cook, during which you can sneak in a work out. The recipes are all very healthy, minimizing white flour (I think all the recipes that call for flour uses wheat or whole wheat pastry flour), sugar and salt, using lots of veggies and fruits, whole grains, beans, lean protein.
Hi Cari! I was watching the Oprah Winfrey show and she had on Andrew Weil and Rosie ? Can't remember her last name. Anyway, these 2 people came out with a new cookbook and I'm dying to try these recipes. They looked sooo good!! You can probably find it on Amazon or the Oprah's website. Kathy
My entire family loves Pillsbury's Fast & Healthy that someone else has already recommended. I've yet to try a dud from it, plus the kids approve.

I also enjoy the Moosewood Restaurant Low-fat Favorites for when we eat vegetarian once a week.

I also picked up a brand new copy of Better Homes and Gardens Family Favorites Made Lighter last week from one of Amazon's used booksellers for less than $5.00. All of the recipes I've tried so far have been excellent. This one has traditional home-cooking fare that's been lightened up.
Hi Kathy!

Just to let you know~"The Healthy Kitchen" cookbook by Andrew Weil, M.D. and Rosie Daley is on sale at Sam's Club. (& possibly B.J's Wholesale). I got mine at Sam's Club for $15.68 and it sells for $24.95 normally. Just a heads-up on a cheaper price!!!

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