a few questions from a newbie


New Member
Hi everyone,

I am new to posting here, and I have a few questions that have probably been answered many times on this forum, but I am hoping some of you more experienced folks will take pity on me and help me out! :)

One is, what's the scoop on this BodyRX and ecto/meso/endomorph body type? I know that I am an ectomporph for sure (that's the one that is a marshmallow with 4 sticks, right?), and it is encouraging to know that there are other big women out there working out to Cathe videos. (I have to modify a LOT to lessen the impact and intensity, but Cathe's videos are just the best out there, so it's worth it!) I would love to know more about this group of ecto-chicks! :)

Another question I'm sure has been discussed is, I am interested in the CTX series, but I'm wondering whether it is sufficient to work each body part (biceps, triceps, etc) only one day a week? I know it is an intense workout for each muscle group, but I thought it was important to exercise each muscle group at least twice a week to maintain and/or progress. I'm sure there is a method to Cathe's "madness", so to speak, but can anyone explain to me how that works? (Not her madness, hee hee...but the once a week regimen!)

Thanks for your patience!

Welcome! I don't know about the BodyRx, but wanted to comment on CTX.

Yes, I think the CTX series is sufficient. I am probably one of the few though. I find working my body parts once a week, even with CTX, works for me. I don't always use it this way, but have with great results. CTX does wonders for me though. Cathe's PS and S&H series are definitely good only once a week. A lot of people get great results with PS, while I have never really seen any gains. So, you really have to find what works for you! For me it's CTX and S&H. But, of course I do all the other videos too. They are just too much fun!

Hi Lauren,
I cannot comment on body Rx and ecto/meso/endo thing, but I sure can comment on CTX.

If you find that working each body part one time per week is not enough it is very easy to add a second body part with CTX. Especially if you get the DVD. You can also do the entire upper body on one day and leaner legs on another (and then it would be easy to get each body part in 2x in one week.) This series is very easy to customize to your own needs.

As the Queen Ectochick, let me welcome you to the group, Lauren. An ecto is generally small-boned, often short-waisted with long limbs and usually has a hard time gaining fat or muscle. When we do put on fat, I think we tend to carry it more around the middle than the hips and thighs, hence the marshmallow on toothpicks description.

We do a weekly check in thread that usually stays active throughout the week. Here's the link to this week's:

Oh dear! I seem to have gotten confused about the ecto/endo distinction--I saw the word "marshmallow" and thought, hmmm, big and soft, that's me! But now that I have looked at the most recent ecto-chick thread, I see that I am most certainly NOT one! Unfortunately (though as someone pointed out, the grass is always greener), I am very big boned and put on weight at the drop of a hat. I wonder if there are others out there like me? I would imagine that it is harder for big women to do Cathe's workouts because of the intensity/impact, which I modify a lot. But if this means that I am an endomorph, then time to start an endo-chicks group! :)
I consider myself to be a meso. I have thick dense bone and muscle. I gain weight at the drop of a hat, or the thought of a hat dropping.:) When I first started Cathe I modified all the impact. I'm much closer to my goal weight now, but I think years of working out while maintaining too much extra weight has done some wear and tear to my body. I can do just about any of Cathe's workouts now without modifications on a 4" step, a few I can do on a 6" step, but I can't do two days of impact back to back. If I do, boy my knees, ankles and feet have a whole lot to tell me on that third morning, and non of it is good.:)

Here here I second the motion for an endo-chicks group

Welcome lcvander fellow endomorph :)

Like you I put on weight easily (just looking at food usually does it for me)currently I'm 250lbs trying to (very badly I might add) get rid of my pregnancy weight (use to weigh in at 200lbs pre-baby)and I loved Cathe before I had my baby still do actually but I like you and many others out there have to modify a lot.

RE: Here here I second the motion for an endo-chicks group

Hooray!!! I am so glad to hear of others who make Cathe's videos work for them in spite of the obstacle of carrying extra weight. DeeDee, it sounds like your extra weight is mostly a thing of the past, but Jilliana, sounds like we have similar weight loss goals--pretty daunting, but I keep trying to hang in there and take it one workout at a time, as they say.

Now that this thread is drifting to the topic of endo-chicks (and meso-chicks who gain weight easily) I am going to start up a new thread...see you there! :)


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