A commercial Christmas


The Christmas music thread got me wondering. I've never, ever, ever heard anyone say "Lets blow the wad" "Lets have the biggest, most expensive, gluttonous Christmas ever" "Yay aluminum trees!' So, if everyone wants a less expensive, less commercial Christmas, how come the retailers haven't caught on? Its always bigger, better, more. What wrong with my lights from last year - why do I need new ones this year that flash, beep, play music, and unplug themselves?

If everyone wants to do it more simply, then why doesn't it happen? Who is buying all this crap? Most of it is crap, too.

I just don't understand.....

You'd love my Xmas. I will put out my miniature Charlie Brown tree that stands about an inch tall. I won't be doing much giftmas shopping, except for hooking myself up with some XM radio with one of those nice docking stations that plays CDs and mp3s. Ho Ho Ho!
Hi Nan,

Sure, lots of people may still want a less commercial Christmas but since that would mean a financial :( for retailers I think businesses are putting even MORE effort into advertising and convincing consumers that splurging is worth it for family, friends, colleagues at this time of year. I was in town over the weekend and of course stores were heaving. You damned near felt out of place if you weren't carrying at least three brightly coloured shopping bags. One store chain I like (John Lewis) looks like Disneyland with it's Christmas displays this year. It's very hard not to get sucked in. Otherwise I guess one risks being seen as a Scrooge ;)
I wonder if this is (once again) the media latching onto something that may not be entirely accurate for the majority. I am not cutting back on spending on gifts this year. I was just smarter about it and spread it out over several months so I wouldn't go into Christmas debt.

The people who buy new lights are probably the people who pull them out of storage, the rope is all twisted and doesn't light. They think it is much easier to spend a couple bucks on a new strand as opposed to the aggravation of untangling and trying to find the replacement bulbs!! I would actually love to do a big display. I think it is fun and pretty. Last year, much to my family's disappointment, we didn't put up a tree. We had two new kittens who, I thought, would have knocked the whole thing over! The family pushed and this year we are putting up a tree but only with lights.

I thoroughly enjoy Christmas and all of the decorating. The kids color pictures, which we hand on the windows and front door...

The Christmas music thread got me wondering. I've never, ever, ever heard anyone say "Lets blow the wad" "Lets have the biggest, most expensive, gluttonous Christmas ever" "Yay aluminum trees!' So, if everyone wants a less expensive, less commercial Christmas, how come the retailers haven't caught on? Its always bigger, better, more. What wrong with my lights from last year - why do I need new ones this year that flash, beep, play music, and unplug themselves?


Looking at this from another perspective, I've never heard a retailer say "I'd like to save my customers some money & make a bit less profit this year," "I'll give up my Christmas bonus so I can sell stuff cheaper," "I don't think I'll do any marketing because people are saying they want to spend less" or "boy, corporate will be thrilled that I didn't push the tree lights harder!" ;)
I won't be doing much giftmas shopping, except for hooking myself up with some XM radio with one of those nice docking stations that plays CDs and mp3s. Ho Ho Ho!

I bet you'll have the Xmas music channel blasting 24/7 on that thing! ;):p

We just cut down our aluminum Festivus pole, and began compiling a list of grievances.
Doesn't the Saturnalia involve a lot of wine and mayhem? I could be converted. :p

Actually, it involves many of the xmas rituals, only the Romans did it first. I think the wine & mayhem is just a way to bring in more believers. Welcome to the fold, Sister Gayle!!!

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