A.A.A. : Malibu Body Wear TOP ! HELP !!!!!!!!!!!!!


I have ordered online 2 weeks ago but no charge on my visa
I have been trying many times to call them but a message says the numbers have been disconnected......
I don't know how to reach them and I am using the phone number on the website 888-625-9777 818-762-6079
What has happened ?
Maybe it is me who cannot reach those numbers from Italy......
Do U know if there are other ph numbers I can try to speak with them ?
Have some of U ordered very recently ? If yes what happened ?
Thanks !!!!!
Hi Samantha! Did you try emailing them? If not their email address is: [email protected]. I was just over at the site and nothing has changed since the last time I visited. Haven't ordered anything though. Good luck! Kathy
Kathy thanks for replying :D !!!
Yes, I have emailed them MANY times but no reply !
I know nothing has changed on their site but the phone numbers have been disconnected !!! Also their fax number !!!

Really don't know what to think !!!:-hmmm
Maybe it is because I call from italy that I am getting all these issues...frankly I don't know......:-tired
I've been having trouble ordering from them too. I wanted the top that Cathe wears on the box cover. I tried ordering on line and it didn't go through. I tried emailing them and telling them I wanted to place an order and I got no response. I tried calling and couldn't get through either. ?? I live in US and and so I don't think it is your calling from Italy that is the problem.

Perhaps some of the others on line here may have some ideas. ?

Hi Wanda, it is frustrating, isn't it ??? And that top is so cool !!!
It seems like the whole business has disappeared.....
:( ;(
Well, I ordered a pair of shorts from them 2 weeks ago. They sent me the wrong size (no wonder they feel roomy) but I worked out in them twice and only discovered it when I cut the tag off. I guess I can save myself some aggravation by forgetting about it.

By the way, 5th Element tops are sooo comfy, and one main reason is that they have no tags! I hate those itchy tags!

Underarmor (armour?) looks good too, no tags either.

>Well, I ordered a pair of shorts from them 2 weeks ago. They
>sent me the wrong size (no wonder they feel roomy) but I
>worked out in them twice and only discovered it when I cut the
>tag off. I guess I can save myself some aggravation by
>forgetting about it.
>By the way, 5th Element tops are sooo comfy, and one main
>reason is that they have no tags! I hate those itchy tags!
>Underarmor (armour?) looks good too, no tags either.
Connie,U seems to have been lucky anyway in getting something...even if wrong size.....
Did U get a confirmation email ? How long did they take to ship ?
The fact is I would like to know if they will ever put the order through or if they closed or whatever....:(

Anyway thanks for sharing U not so good experience about MBW

Do U mean the 5th Element Tops are also supportive ?

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