7 Day Eat Clean Challenge!!

Wow, I never expected so many to be interested!! But I am excited now!

Sorry about starting in Sunday -- I celebrated Mother's Day today since my son goes with his Dad on Sundays. But you ladies do whatever works best for you.

Can I ask a stupid question -- where is the daily check in thread? That would be a great place to track our progress!
Oooh I need to get back on track--count me in too--after the mother's day feast:9

The check in and challenges forum is at the very bottom of the main forums page. I know there must be a better way to explain it--help ladies?

Wow, I have been thinking the same thing. I lost a decent amount of weight recently but I've been dealing with a lot of stress and have really fallen off track and am afraid that I'll put back on the weight if I don't stop myelf now. I was planning on buying that Eating Clean book, but like Collinsmom and a couple of other posters said, I don't plan to eat clean 100% of the time ( I love Mexican food too :9 ) I just want to get to a place where I'm not eating in excess because of stress.
So, that being said, I will begin on Monday. Thanks for the idea Collinsmom.
Count me in, but I'll have to join you on Monday...Can't wait, this is probably alot more realistic for me, to start with, baby steps is the way to go...Can't wait...How will the post look, will it be in the check-in or in the open discussion?




Is there room for one more?? I had been doing well for a few weeks (after a year of emotional eating) but have recently started back to my old ways. I need to stop now! My wedding dress fitting is almost exactly one month away..need to be where I want by then..no room to gain or lose once the dress is altered.

I must say, I'm a bit nervous about being able to do this x(

now who should I get to finish that ice cream in my freezer.... }(

I am in too!! I started getting back on track last Monday, and need to keep the momentum going. Had a super week, with only one piece of chocolate(came with the BEAUTIFUL flowers I got for mother's day), and only one very yummy Starbucks blended stawberry lemonade....gotta do something nice for myself for mother's day, right?? I am up to and above my goal of 90 ozs of water and feel so much better than I have in ages. Weigh in is on Monday....we shall see......

Don't be nervous Lisa, we are all there with ya!!

So.....I'm assuming that we'll check in starting tomorrow on the check-in/challenge forum under "7-Day Clean Eating Challenge" or something like that??

I'll definitely need it this week, seeing as grades are due and a million other things.......

If people wouldn't mind posting their meal plans or recipes, that would be awesome!
Count me in....... I have started emotional eating lately (actually im doing it right know)and it is never healthy stuff i want. I need to stop. I think this will be great. Good idea.
Count me in, too! I'm bad about large portions and second helpings,
and I feel like I have to have a little something sweet every day.
I look forward to cleaning up my eating habits!
O.K. I'm in!! This is just what I needed.
(Uh oh, I'm scared.)

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