60 Day No Sugar/Fast Food- Oses- Sunday


Good Morning all,

To answer a question.posted on yesterday's thread about this check-in, we are trying to keep all sugar and sugar related ingredients ( eg the "oses") free..no candy, pastries, cookies etc and also fast food free..( everyone knows what this is!).. for 60 days

Well I went for 15 days and yesterday broke down and had ice cream, crumb cake and a piece of sponge candy... it was my birthday and I think I let that get to me for some reason.. but I am back on track today ( starting over at day 1) and will look forward only! Doing a 3.5 mile walk today for the March of Dimes so that will be my workout:

Hope everyone has a Sugar Free Day!

Hi Deb, Happy belated Birthday:) I did the samething. My dh got me a dairy queen ice cream cake, and we made homemade pizza. Do we start back to day one???

I just can't believe I blew it...I felt so bad because I didn't want any at first and I did say no, but my dh and kids looked so hurt when I declined it, I said what the heck. So I did my taebo and apologized to my tummy ahead of time. Next time I'll be more prepared and make a request for a better choice whatever that may be.

The bloating was horrible:(

Anyways, I'm back on track.

Again, what if we fall off the wagon, does anyone think we should start back at day one or just jump back on the wagon and keep track how many days we actually stayed on track???




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