60 Day No Fast Food, No Sugar-ose Wednesday


Good mornin all,

How is everyone doing? I am beginning Day 6, did an interval treadmill walk with incline today. So far the "sugar demons" have been held at bay. Do we have a guide on what constitues bad sugar content? If a protein bar or Kashi bar has 6 gr of sugar, is that not allowed? I eat these and try to make sure the sugar content is low.. anyone else?

Have a Sugar-Free day!

That is difficult. I would say that as long as it's in a healthy context and low in sugar like the bars, then that it should be ok, keep in mind though the HFCS that might be present. I love Kashi Go-Lean cereal so maybe I might try their bars too. That would really help the "sugar monsters" at night time:) Thanks for the idea Deb:)

I really wish the sun would shine here. It's been rainy for soooo long. It's hard to get motivated, plus rainy days used to be great days to "bake":eek:

But no worries:) I hope everyone has a great "hump" day. Take care.



Hi everyone,

This is day 10 for me! Woo-Hoo! The cravings are definitely disappearing. I was also wondering about the sugar thing, because I also have a Kashi cereal that I love and another from Nature Path with 6 grams sugar and were wondering if that was allowed. Also how about something like agave nectar? Its low glycemic.

Just realized yesterday that my birthday is in a couple of weeks, am I allowed to have a "small cheat" with my kids that day? Or do I have to stick with the program?

Hi Carrie,

I will be 39 on May 2nd. I have achieve those abs I've always wanted before the big 40 :p !

The sugar free cake from DQ sounds great, but unfortunately for me my body can't handle sugar alcohols at all. So I thought maybe I could make myself something a little less sinful, although that new bryers fat fee ice cream sounds promising.

Carrie I can't believe your birthday is the same as mine.....April 28, however I am going to be 54 ! Yikes! I think we deserve one day that we can have a treat!


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