6 Week Body Makoever


Hi All,

Anyone out there using Michael Thurman's 6 Week Body Makeover. I just ordered it since a good friend of mine started the program about 9 days ago and has lost 10 pounds already! This impressed me because my friend's metabolisim is very very slow. Any input from you would be greatly appreciated because I value your opinions.

Take care - :D


10 lbs in 9 days scares me. That's WAY too fast to be healthy. I would be very cautious about proceeding with something with that kind of weight loss.

I have never heard of Michael Thurman. So, that's all I can really say about the product.
Hi Goddess,

Thanks for responding. I know it sounds like a lot in a short time! I was checking out my friend's program - it's a lot of food and she's eating like every 2-3 hours. I've seen his infomercial and they all sound so convincing. I'm not looking for overnight weight loss - in fact I've managed to take off some 50+ pounds and about 26 inches off my body since July 2002 with another weight loss program. But like everything, I've reached that famous "plateau" and nothing is happening. I've nothing to loose by checking this program out - besides it has a money back guarantee.

Take care sweetie,


Iris, just be sure you return the product before the 6 weeks are up. I read at the infomercial reviews that some people waited until the 7th week and didn't get their refund. Congrats on your weight loss! Those plateaus are really a bummer; you'll break through!

Hi Vickie,

Thanks for responding. I'll check it out thoroughly and if its not for me back it goes. Besides as long as I workout with Cathe I can maintain the weight I've already lost!!

Take care,


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