6 Monthers, STS, Tuesday


Good morning again. I'm starting to feel like the movie Ground Hog Day where everyday becomes more of the same! LOL But, I'll TAKE IT!!!!!!!!!!!

Workout is done. Today is cardio & abs day but I wanted to give my legs a break from running so I can get a bunch of miles in on Thursday, so I chose Step Blast and the abs from Power Hour. My legs were a bit tired at first, but that music just got them rolling. LOVE that workout!

Today, again, more of NOTHING!!!!! Kids to the park for the Rec Program...it's Creek Week and they get to play in the creek, make little boats, catch slimy things, get DIRTY! HA! Nothing on the calendar again today. Yesterday we ended up with 7 boys at the house till after dinner, so today will probably be the same.


Hi Guys!

I did Step Blast, too, but no abs.... I love that workout too, the choreography is so creative! I jus love it!

Creek day, that sounds so fun! DS would absolutely love that!

Jo, with all my good intentions of shampooing some rooms yesterday, I cleaned out the rooms to get ready, vacuumed them and got the rug solution ready to put into the container and it just flowed right through out the other end... Some little hands must have got to the valve. So now it will be 5 days until the replacement part comes....
To anwer your question, I used to rent a unit and that worked really well, but that whas when I was living alone. Now, with little kid messes and a temperamental cat, we decided to invest in a unit for ourselves. that way I don't have to do the whole house in one day... we got ours from costco, of course! LOL! A rented unit would be enough for your mom's place, I'm sure! We usually pick a hot day so the carped dries out well. Good luck with it!
How did your closet clearing go? Mine needs a good look through as well, but I don't feel like doing it at all... some other time!

Julie, I hope your day went well, especially I hope you got someone to watch your kids! Let us know how it went.

Good morning everyone,
I did disk 39, squat rack legs today. I wanted to do both leg workouts this week but had to figure out how to do that since I do STS on MWF and cardio on T/TH, then my DH and I have our long walks (10-12 miles) on Sat. so I decided to do squat rack today; cardio W; then disk 40 Th & plyo on F. I had a little trouble getting the weight over my head even wearing the weight vest & on the squats I added add'l weight to vest so the BB wouldn't be so heavier, but I still struggled a bit, but with a little umph & lot of breathing, I did it and got thru it. I could feel it in my wrist & forearms, but I took my time & had to really concentrate. It felt great afterwards being able to squat that much weight. I was soaking wet but yes, I nailed all the sets & reps. I didn't go as heavy on the exercises but I think I could have inched up a little heavier on a couple of the exercises but I'd definitely need a squat rack. Wow - go heavier - I could've never imagined that 5 months ago. I am so excited to be in the home stretch of STS. It's made such a huge difference in my strength & endurance level.
Court for today is done! I had to bring ds. STBX was looking for 50% custody. Yeah right!!!!!!!!!!!! I ended up getting a court order for him to give me 275 per week for food for the family (which includes him) plus spending money for gas etc. Not a lot , I know but considering I had nothing before it is a step in the right direction. STBX also has to pay my cell phone bill. The house is going on the market asap. I am keeping my sys on the prize!
Hi Everyone! I'll try and post later...up early today, did Disc 15, Back & Biceps and then off to work for an early and all day meeting. Just wanted to drop in and say hi and hopefully BBL! I didn't get to read thread yet.

Hope everyone is having a good day!
Just finished Drill Max Premix #4 and STS med ball abs so that only leaves one day left of STS!! (and 2 more days at work!) I'm so looking forward to a break from both!:D

Busy week here as ds is at a hockey camp from 9-3 everyday (different from his Sunday night fitness camp) and of course I work 7:30-4 :rolleyes: I don't really know how they expect parents to drop them off as most people work. The arena is close to my mom's so I drop him off there in the mornings and then have to go get him after work. DD is at the daycare in the school close to home. So 2 drop offs and pickups and one is really our of the way so long days with the extra driving.

Also really busy at work, we had 22 new patients referrals waiting for us Monday morning. All people injured over the weekend. Must have been quite the weekend in our city :confused:They all needed at least a one hour visit this week and this on top of the "old" patients. So lots of overtime this week.

Jo Sorry to hear about the headaches. Hopefully they can find some answers for you! You know I had completely forgotten about the trisets in M2 legs! We had a great swim on Sunday, dd swam for hours. She is quite the little fish, takes after her mom;) When is your kayaking trip?

Cendrine Did you get those carpets cleaned today? My mom bought her own unit as well, we used to borrow it sometimes. We have hardly any carpet anymore due to ds's asthma. I won't go to ds's pylo as he would be mortified, LOL, just fun to tease him! How is your DH doing with STS??

Rachael. Your poor DH must have been really tired! I would love to try some of your menus but only if someone else cooked them for me:p I'm a very boring cook.

Chrissy Congrats on finishing STS!! How are you enjoying your class?? Hope your ds is feeling ok!

Measuredoak- Sounds like your doing your workouts right to failure! Great effort! Wow, those are quite the walks! Do you even do half marathons??

Gayle I loved the title yesterday (almost graduates), you guys and DH are the only ones that really understand what that means. WTG on the food victory! I wish I had that willpower! I'm glad that you're getting some nice relaxing days in now!

Julie I'm glad that the day went well!

Hi again!

Kim, you have quite a drill with drop offs and pick-ups! wow! I don't envy you... Isn't it odd how summer breaks can turn out to be more busy than school time? Or as busy it seems, anyway...
I have to wait for the replacement parts for the shampoo unit, so no carpet cleaning today either... I am leaning your way, as soon as we need to replace any flooring, carpet goes and hardwood or something similar comes in! Will make for so much easier cleaning! DH still is doing sts, but he is not quite liking the workout manager and thus his workouts are not as scheduled as we do them, and he skips all the leg workouts. But he's doing something, that is what counts!

Julie, I'm so glad you finally have some financial stability! Lets hope you get those checks promptly every week! When's the next day and how are you feeling?

Measuredoak, wtg doing the heavy legs! It is amazing what we are capable of once we try and do little steps at a time. I have had moments like you where all I could say is wow, I could't have done that 5 months ago!

Jo, I hope your meeting went well and you have some time to relax!

Hi everyone else!

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