6 Monthers, STS, Sunday 22nd


Good Morning Everybody,

With Gayle gone this morning, I thought I would start us off for the day. Sorry about my ramblings yesterday, I think I was having a pity party without the cocktails!

I woke up with a much better attitude. So glad it's my rest day! My body is saying Thank You, Thank You:eek::eek:

Cendrine-Thanks for your encouraging words. Regarding the CC workouts, I don't have a heart rate monitor, but it's on my list to purchase. I'm sure I didn't feel well after my workout yesterday, because I have a tendency to push way past the limit. It would be silly to hurt myself in the process of becoming healthier.

I hope everyone has a great day planned. My DH, son and I are going out to lunch and then doing a little shopping this afternoon. This is a rare occasion, so I'm really looking forward to it. My nephew spent the night last night, and the boys went to bed very late, so I have some extra time this morning before they get up and start getting active.

I'm going to get a little work done now, and will CBL.

Good morning Mary and all who follows,

sorry, you had a bad day yesterday! I bought a HR a few weeks ago, glad I got it! Glad you enjoyed CC yesterday, I love all of them so far!
Enjoy your lunch and shopping today!

I am taking a well needed rest day today! I still have to work my abs, like to skip them!

Hi to everyone that follows!
Good Morning Everyone! I did not check in yesterday, it was a crazy day! I am just aout receovered and ready to go for it tomorrow morning with the first attempt at disc 7. I am still trying to get before photos taken. I think photos will hold me more accountable, certainly more measurable. I have been really BAD eating yesterday. No way to go but up!
I guess we started posts at the same time. Ignore mine! Anyone know how to transfer my post over to here?
Hi Everyone!

I'm glad you are feeling better, Mary, I have rest day to day too!

I have a tendency to push myself too hard, because I don't know what heartrate level I'm at, so I think it might be good for me to use one to prevent overdoing it. Like you, I agree, it is not a good idea to hurt myself in the process of trying to get healthier...

I am feeling my abs today from doing ab circuits stability ball yesterday. I think it's because this time I actually got those pikes done vs falling off the ball at every rep attempt...:)

I'm starting round one of week 4 tomorrow. I am all set, I previewed and made notes as to how to increase the weights etc.
Meso 2, I think it's going to be tougher because the exercises are all grouped together before moving on to the next one... Hopefully I'll be able to push through the burn...

Have a great Sunday, everyone!
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Good Morning everyone!
Today was Disc 10 - I did much better with it than I did the first time but still struggle with the pushups and the shoulder dropsets at the end. I can't believe I'm in the last week of finishing up this Mesocycle! I'm looking forward to the rest week next week!

Mary, glad you're feeling better today! The rest days are always welcome! :D:D

Julie, glad to hear you're feeling better! Good luck with Disc 7! :D

Cendrine, I look forward to hearing what you think of Disc 10! :p

Belinda, hope you enjoy your rest day today as welll!

Hello to anyone else that posts today! I have to go into work for a couple of hours as we have clients in tomorrow.

I'll check back later!

Jo :p:D;)
Just a quick note on my way out the door....


I preordered! :D:D:D:D

I saw them too!

I'm still thinking about it. I'm not a big martial arts fan, but I would enjoy the step cardio and I really want the travel with band video! I'm going to do some numbers to see if it will be worth it or if I should pay regular price for the ones I know i will actually do.

But it sure is exciting! I read a post a looooong time ago, where Cathe mentioned she had some cardio in the works after STS and it never came. Well here it is, this is what she must have meant! :)
Okay, now I've calmed down and I'll post more normally. Deep cleansing breath....

My eating is back on track and I'm peeing off all the retained carb water today (TMI?:eek:)

Back feels fine, but ankle hurts again. I swear this is irksome. I'm going to google it. The tissue right below the skin and right over my ankle bone is slightly swollen and somewhat sore. Today is a rest day, but tomorrow is cardio of some sort and we'll just have to see. I'm trying to keep it up, take ibuprofen and ice it....

Lowmax felt good yesterday until interval 6 and then the ankle, so I decided to stop. One of my goals this year is to avoid injury. I have a tendancy to "push through" when I shouldn't. Working hard isn't the problem for me now, it's holding back--grrrrrr.

Mary--I hope all goes well with your gym situation. Go ahead and vent. I also am going to need 35 lb dumbells and I don't have them yet.

Kim--sorry you are feeling sick.:(. Something has run through my entire family. I hope it skips me, but probably not.

Belinda--enjoy your rest day! It's mine too.

Soon2bfit--Glad you are feeling better. I took before pics, but I don't dare post them until I've got some good after pics. They are scary. I've put them in the front of my STS notebook for accountability.

Jo--I'll be doing disk 10 Tuesday first time around and there aren't as many pushups as disk 7, but still there are like 140 or something (did the math quickly in my head, so I could be off) Man with that and the 70%, I am going to be fried I'm thinking.

Cendrine--you rock on the pikes. Core work is the worst for me. I should work at it more. I'll be doing disk 10 Tuesday, so I'll try to see how you did tomorrow to give me a preview;).

Hi everyone else!

Okay, I admit it I couldn't figure out how to cut and paste my post:eek: and I'm too lazy to retype it.

Feeling a touch better so did Rhythmic Step and the med ball abs from STS.

I was preorder #75!!:D:D

Maggie, oh no on the ankle! Try and rest it if you can.

Doing the numbers didn't take me long.... lots of people ordered between Kim and me, my number is already in the mid 300! Amazing!

I wanted to order a couple of things with the 20% discount, but some things they don't have anymore! Will they be back? I'm talking about the weighted gloves with the zipper compartments and the bands.... I didn't realize they were gone...

Hopefully they restock before the coupon expires...:)
Hi Everybody,

Jo-I just checked out the info on STS Shock Cardio. No doubt about it, I'm going to have to get a 2nd job to pay for all these extras that keep coming my way
. I am definitely going to pre-order. I love all forms of cardio, so this is right up my alley (YIPPEE). Hope people are a little more patient with this series than they were with STS!!

Gayle-Hope the 50th Birthday party celebration and your stay at the beach house were marvelous. Nothing better than getting away for a few days of fun to help recharge.

Cendrine-How was Disney World? Not sure if you've ever been to Cedar Pointe, but it's about 5 hours from our home, and it has every kind of ride imaginable. I've never been one for rides, because I just can't handle the scare factor that comes with most of them (plus I have a weak bladder and would probably end up peeing my pants:p).

Julie-It sounds as though you and I are both starting Disc 7 for the 1st time tomorrow (YEAH). It's good to know that someone else is at the same place as me. I reviewed the workout card, and am really looking forward to starting a brand new week. What has really helped me with my eating is writing down my food plan for the day (thanks to Gayle!!) During the week, I eat both my breakfast & lunch at work, so I have to pack everything in the morning, and that tends to help keep me on track. But by writing it down, it also holds me accountable. It's hard for me to schedule for the whole week, so I do for 1 day at a time. Give it a shot, it may work for you;);).

Maggie-It sounds like you really had a good time with movie night and the kids. I grew up with 9 brothers and sisters, and when I was young, I remember every Saturday was movie night (whatever fun movie was on tv because we didn't have a vcr or dvd player back then). My dad would make these huge bowls of popcorn loaded with butter (not the healthy kind), and since snacks and TV were rare in our house, we really looked forward to that time. I wonder if that's the reason why I love TV and popcorn so much now

Kim-Just my 2 cents worth on the scale. THROW IT OUT, BURN IT, USE IT AS A PLANT STAND, DONATE IT TO THE SALVATION ARMY, PUT IT OUT IN A GARAGE SALE, GIVE IT TO A FRIEND/ENEMY (Ok, that's all I have to say on that matter

Chrissy-I haven't gotten to the point where I need to use a weight vest yet. That was on my list of purchases, but with the pre-sale of Cathe's new workout series, I may have to postpone the vest for a bit. Not sure how I'm going to measure the additional weight yet. Both Cendrine and Jo had good answers, and I think either option would work.

Belinda-Do you use the C.C. workouts on your treadmill exclusively, or do you run the roads or use other cardio equipment. Do you have a favorite volume that you use more often? Isn't it a great feeling when you see how many calories are burned while doing these workouts, it's a great incentive. Keep up the great workouts!

Well enough rambling for the day (SORRY, I may have had a little to much coffee


Oh Maggie! Take care of that ankle! I had that ankle problem a couple of weeks ago and whatever it was went away but that's the last thing you need! (Well that and back issues! :mad:)

I am so excited about the Cardio right now I can hardly focus! (Cendrine, I was #172). And Mary, I just told DH I wasn't buying any more fitness gadgets or DVD's this year! However he is very understanding about my Cathe purchases! :p Also, I agree with you about hoping people will be nicer. But notice Cathe didn't tell us a preorder was coming this time...it was WHAM here it is! (I have no opinion if that's good or not since I always preorder! :D)

My shoulders are really tight from the dropsets in 10 today. Well I ever be able to do all those pushups on my toes? Or better yet, all of them on my knees? Eeek! I am progressing, I am progressing, I am progressing - I do great on leg work!:D

Kim, I'm glad you're feeling better! I have Rhythmic Step planned for tomorrow.

OK Kim, Jo & Maggie,

I just preordered also and I'm #431 (YEAH)!!!!!! Six months from now should take us into September, just in time for my 50th. So I treated myself to an early B'Day present:eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek:!

Well it is my second check in for today. I spent some time updating my workout manager today and gearing up for tomorrow.

Mary, Glad to have you doing disc 7 the same day as me! As far as the writting down my food goes that does not really work for me My problem is impulsive eating and emotional eating. I can down a box of cookies so fast and impulsively I can barely even remember doing it even within a few minutes. I am thinking about getting some hypnosis cds from tom nicoli. His office is only 15 miles from where I live so I am going to call over and see if they can help me.

Has anyone used Tom Nicoli hypnosis?
Hi girls,

I did pre ordered:p I am # 53!

Mary, glad you feeling better today. I bought CCV 1-8 just 2 weeks ago, I still haven’t done CCV 7 and 8, love them all so far. I love CCV 4 and 6, they are tough! I burn a lot of cal. on this workouts! I don’t have a TM, I go to our gym on base. Once it starts getting warmer here in Germany, I will start running outside. This year I wanna run my first 5K. I also love iTread workouts.

July, Monday I am doing disc 7, for the second time!

Maggie, sorry your ankle is bordering you. Hope you feel better soon!

Kim, sending you healing vibes. Hope you feeling better soon. Great job on RS!

Soonto2bfit, glad you feeling better. I wished I took before and after pic. What helps me, is using a small salad plate, it keeps my portions in check! I also eat protein pancakes, they are a nice snack with yogurt. Yummy! I eat those every day and still lose weight! Never heard of Tom Nicoli hypnosis? Sorry!

Cendrine, I can’t do those pikes to save my life. Great job!

Jo, great job with disc 10! I struggle too with pushups. I do them all on my knees, lol!
Enjoy your rest week. I can’t wait for my rest week. I thinking taking a recovery week, I need one. I was very surprised that Cathe didn’t tell us about the pre order?

Gayle, how was your weekend?

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