6 Monthers, STS, Monday (almost graduates!)


Good morning ladies. We are so close to being 6 Month STS GRADUATES!!!! :D

Chrissy, CONGRATS on finishing up STS (is that last workout today or tomorrow)!!! I'm a people watcher too and always get distracted when we go to public places (And I'm not even trying to study! LOL).

Kim, my boys like to challenge me to pushups too.....Thirty pushups, hugh??? I think I may need to do a set next chest day just to see how many I CAN do at this point!!! ;) And YOWzers on that Hockey Camp (although a part of me would love to try it out! LOL)

Rachel, I agree that your food combinations sound great! Like Jo, I jumped right back into Meso 2 just because it was calling to me! I LOVED it so much! And the rabbid foxes and bears....I was in Wake Forrest NC to visit my sis and they live in a VERY wooded mobile home neighborhood (not a 'park', but what would be just like MY neighborhood, but LOADED with trees and the homes are mobile homes). They've had a few recent cases of rabbid foxes....and stray dogs, and hill billies and the ocassional bear. YIKES!

Jo, I know I've said it before (and recently) but I just couldn't imagine those type of headaches. I really REALLY hope we (ha, WE) find out what the cause is and get you some relief FAST!!! And yeah, hit the 6 mile mark and get that headache....for me, the 6 mile mark means I need a BATHROOM BREAK! LOL

OK...................Workout is done! I was going to do Leg Disc 14, but then remembered I loaned it out and Pyramid Lower Body was just CALLING MY NAME last night, so that's what I did this AM! It's my ALL TIME FAVE Cathe workout, I do believe. I also like to add on a pyramid of leg extensions on my weight bench (while re-playing the deadlift pyramid chapter to keep with Cathe's count and rep speed), so I added that on too. That floor work ROCKS! And I can almost guarantee you I will be DOMS-y tomorrow! My chest, shoulders & tris are still quite sore!

I need to go shower. Kids are going to Rec, older DS has an orthodontist appt. Then a quiet day. I'll share, later when I get an extra moment, about my food VICTORY yesterday!

Remember our challenge......July 29th!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I AM OFFICIALLY DONE WITH STS!!!:eek::p:cool::rolleyes::D:)

Did squat rack today... although I didn't do the exact workout. I really did not like squat rack. I lowered my weight to 80% and did 10 reps and instead of doing the front squats I did step ups on a high step. I did not feel front squats in my legs I felt it in my core. I feel more fatigued from doing it this way than I did the official way. I was never sore with squat rack legs. I will see how my legs feel tomorrow.
I think next time I do the rotation I will do plyo legs and meso 2 legs. I think that will work better for me.

My youngest DS is home with a stomach virus and my husband is at the race track so I had to scramble to find someone to watch him because I have to go to school early tonight and work on my project with a couple of other students.

My son wants to try and eat some toast. I will try and be back later.
I am on track with the challenge. I have to say being at school during my munchy time really helps.
Good Morning Everyone! It's a glorious day (no headache!) Although today is 65 and rainy it feels wonderful!

I did Step Blast this morning...I struggled through it a little only because my legs are FRIED from Disc 14. You know the "triples around" and that sort of move? My legs didn't want to do it...they were sluggish and heavy! But I did it! Yeah! :eek:

Gayle, PLB! Goodness I have not done that in ages! Can't wait to hear about your DOMS! ;) Hope you have a good day with the kids! And yes, what is that food victory?

Chrissy, congrats on finishing STS! Don't you feel great? Hope DS is alright! It sucks being sick in the summer - for anyone!

Okay, off the shower! You all have a great day today! Hello all you wonderful, fantastic 6 monthers!
Gayle...meant to add: I used to hate it when I'd be out running and suddenly have to pee. It would always happen I was suddenly somewhere where there was no bathroom, no bush, no tree and then all I could focus on was whether or not I might wet my pants!!! LOL! But I'd keep running! :eek:
Hi everyone. It looks like it was a busy weekend. I usually don't get on-line on the weekends so I was busy catching up on all I missed. Today was disk 31 - chest & back; it's week 3 of M3 for me. I'm going to try to do both plyo & squat rack this week see how that goes. I struggled w/the chest presses this a.m but then I was lifting pretty heavy (for me anyway). By the last set I was grunting and making all kinds of sounds, but I got through it; I completed all the sets and all the reps.

Chrissy congrats on finishing STS. What are you doing next? Sorry to hear ds is under the weather. Hopefully it's just a 24 hr. thing.

Gayle, I love the title to this thread - "almost graduates". It reminds me that soon I will actually be done. I'm on M3W3 and looking forward to the end.

Jo, glad to hear that you woke up headache free. What a relief. Could you send some of that rain our way. We are in a terrible drought here and triple digit temps day after day after..... well you get the idea.

Kim - wow 30 push ups on your toes. That's so great. I don't know that I could do that many. Last time I tried I did 12. I'll have to see what I can do after getting through STS.

Have a great day everybody. Thanks for all the warm welcomes. :)
OMG! One by one, we're finishing this long rotation!!!! We rocked it, didn't we? 5-6 months, intense workouts, family and food challenges, holidays and parties, and LIFE.....and we're finishing it up!!!!!!!!!!! We rock, don't we?

OK...my food victory last night...may not seem too large to everybody else, but a victory is a WIN, right? OK...so my BFF and her family live across the street. We do impromptu meals together all the time. I invited my parents over as well. So on the menu....my kids picked out their steaks the night before, I was having salmon (4oz fillet), grilled onion and zucchini and I was having my leftover 1/4 baked sweet potato. Not bad, right? Until I decided to make my kids a homemade Angel Food Cake (15 egg whites, 1 C sugar, 1 1/2 C powdered sugar and 1 C flour). YUMMO!!! I ended up baking the cake early, right after basektball. Then I took my boys and my BFF's DS to the creek to 'fish' and swim. I mis-timed my meals earlier in the day and actually MISSED my 4th meal (usually at 3ish). Dinner was at 6, we got home at 4:30. YUP! I was STARVED when we got back from the creek. BUT......I hat 2 mugs of hot tea while dinner grilled, stuck with my planned meal and portions, and HAD NO DESSERT! Not even when BFF pulled out the Peanut Butter Jumble ice cream (I LOVE PB to death, ladies). NOTHING! I popped a piece of mint gum right after dinner and before dessert, and I chewed on that and drank another mug of hot green tea and HAD NO DESSERT!!!!!!!!!! I felt so empowered! I LOVE that feeling!

Small victory, right? I'll TAKE IT!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Chrissy, sorry to hear about DS!
Jo, how's your head today?
measuredoak, gotta love when your workout makes you moan and groan! LOL That's the BEAUTY of working out at home!

Guess what time it is, ladies.


I'll give you all ONE HINT......does the phrase TRIPLE YUCKO WITH BIRD POOP ON TOP mean anything to anybody besides ME??? NO?

Well, that means it's TIME TO CUT THE GRASS!

Now, say it with me......TRIPLE YUCKO WITH BIRD POOP ON TOP!

SAY IT!!!!!!!!!!

OK....I'm off to....yeah, you know! ;)

Yo Gayle!


Measuredoak, what I did for doing both leg workouts was Squat rack legs on my regular leg day and then Plyo legs as my last cardio workout the day after shoulders, triceps and biceps. That worked really well for me and then my legs had enough rest time inbetween workouts. You are so close to being done!!!
Well, thanks to my handsome helper and the chanting from YOU FINE ladies, the job is DONE and it only an hour between the 2 of us. Here's my handsome helper now:

Jake cutting grass July 2009 001.jpg


Hi Guys!

looks like everyone is in great spirits today! It's so fun to check in and read all your posts!

Triple yucko with bird poop on top (better late than never, I always say) :)
Gayle, your son makes a very good helper! That grass looks wonderful! I miss the vibrant green you get, our green is more dry brownish green, not very healthy looking, but your picture made me want to breathe in deeply!

Chrissy, and Gayle, another people watcher here. If we go to a restaurant, I actually tend to sit facing a wall so I get less distracted by all the people around us and can focus on our conversation....:eek:

Jo, I'm glad some of the info was interesting to you. I knew that in the avoid department you didn't have much to look at because I knew you are so super healthy already. How annoying that your migraines get triggered by weather changes, kind of leaves you completel out of control, doesn't it? I'm with you on the perfume, I always get a headache from it. I have bought several different perfumes for myself before figuring out that it's just not meant to be... Smoke does it to me too.
I'd be interested in knowing if anything new you are going to try will work!

Rachel, another vote for out of the box cooking, that is how I have found out some of my best meals. Yours sound fun! You should start a restaurant with a meal of the day kind of fare where you just whip up somethig unheard of every day that will be super yummy!

Gayle, your food victory is awesome! I know just the feelig of being hungry and the meal not ready and then all this good stuff! Gum sure does help me too! High five! I'm right on track with the challenge too! I feel so good being on track

Measuredoak, nice job on your hard workout! You are almost done!

Chrissy! You did it! Great idea on the step ups, that might have worked better for me too.

I'm doing circuits and cardio on off days this week. Loving it! That's what I used to do before Sts.

This is the week of shampooing all our carpets in our house. I planned it so I would do one room a day, but of course there are already two days where people have changed my schedule, so I'm going to try to hit two rooms today and two tomorrow to make up for it . It takes such a long time! But if feels so nice after!

Well court is finally here tomorrow and wouldn't you know it I don't have a babysitter for ds. ds has epilepsy as well as a unique medical condition and it is tough to find a sitter for him that i am comfprtable with. i have to leave at 7:30 am and dd does not have sitter until 9am.
Measuredoak, are you in the south? I heard it's really hot down there! I know Rachel is in Texas and she gets lots of HOT too! I'm in the Seattle area so we don't have hot very often but savor it when we do. Let's just say hardly anyone has air conditioning in their houses! LOL!

Cendrine, I will be looking to you for the help on shampooing carpets! When I go down to Mom's next month I'm going to do that but I have never done it! We were going to do it last time and then some other stuff came up. We've always hired someone to do our house but my mom's house is pretty small so I thought I could do it. Do you just rent one from a rental place? You know, we remodeled our house ourselves, I've done just about anything you can imagine (except roofing!) but I've never shampooed the carpets myself! Go figure!

Julie, best of luck to you tomorrow! I hope everything works out and you get ds taken care of. You have certainly had your share of struggles! But you are on your way to moving on! Let us know how it goes!

Gayle, loved the picture of your helper! Pretty soon maybe he'll be doing it all! :p

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