6 Monthers, STS, Friday

Good morning, gals. I posted late last night, and I'm not surprised to see that nobody posted since, nor started us off today yet. lol Guess we're all going in 20 different (vacation) directions???

I only have a quick minute, as usual. I slept IN....and NEEDED it! The 9.5 hour drive nearly killed me yesterday! I'll fill you in with details later today or tonight when I get some time. Suffice it to say my eating was NOT clean. And my runs, which I was determined to continue, did NOT happen.....HEY.....we had to WALK in her neighborhood with a billy club, I certainly wasn't going to RUN in the wee hours of the AM, now was I???

So, this morning's workout....iTread 9, 60 minutes logged me over 6.3 miles. Then med balls abs from Ab Circuits. I felt like a pair of fat thighs flopping on that treadmill, but it got DONE!!!

Gotta dry my hair so I can get DS to the Rec Program. Then I"m off to clean my friend's house. Today's agenda includes laundry on the wash line, balancing my check book and groceries!!!

BBL, sometime, PROMISE!

Hi everyone!~ I have been thinking about all of you, although I have not been posting or lurking lately.

I hope all you ladies are having a great summer and awesome workouts! I fell off the wagon but started up today with disc 37. I can see why those of you that did meso 3 only did it once. It is boring as all... I did enjoy looking at Cathe's legs and dreaming of when mine could look like hers, you know how much weight, how long will it take??

Gayle, A billy club! OMG!! Where were you?

Chrissy I think you tried Insanity? How is it. I watched the preview and I have to say I would love to be in that kind of shape.

Jo, Mary, Cendrine, Kim, Hi to all of you.

Rachael, I am sending out p90x today. Sorry for the delay. I will pm you an address where you can send the payment. Hope your dh likes it. I think it is definetly geared for a man.
Just a quick post to say HI. I am super busy with school (and stressed).
I did my last plyo workout this morning and yesterday I did the last SBT workout. I still have chest and back on sunday and squat rack on monday. Then I am officially done.

Gayle-glad to have you back. How was your trip? Only 3 weeks until the RT. I am very excited.

Julie-yes I tried the sample workout of insanity. It is tough. I really liked it. I am thinking about ordering the whole workout. I think I will wait for the reviews from others first.

Gotta go
Have a great day
Good Morning/Afternoon everyone,
today was a much better day. I did disk 30 & felt great. Who knew I could lift this much weight. I even bumped up the weight a little from what was on the workout card. Boy was I struggling on the inclined bicep curls, but I made it & I can say I went to failure. WhooHoo. Next week I start week 3 & I am only going to do it once through & use the plyo as one of my cardio days; let's see how that works. Well, I'm at work right now & I better get to it. Hope everyone has a great weekend.
Good Morning Everyone!

Gayle, glad to see you're back! Hope you enjoyed your trip!

Well, I was going to start Meso 2 Sunday but my body was itching to get going on it so I did Disc 13 this morning! Oh my gosh! It was just like the first time I did it! I could barely get my arms up to blow dry my hair after my shower! It felt really good to tackle it again though!

Chrissy, hope the next couple of weeks fly by for you with this class! At least you have the roadtrip to look forward to!

Julie, hope you're doing okay! I actually did not have a problem with the repetitiveness of Meso 3 but I was glad when it was over!

Measuredoak, good for you on the workout today! I always struggle with the biceps! I just want them to pop a little! That is one body part I am never able to bump up the weights!

Hope everyone has a great day!
Hi everybody,

we just got back, I unpacked most stuff and am checking email before making a grocery list, which will be clean to the T! Detox has started at our house...LOL!

It's good to have you back, Gayle, as usual you are hitting the ground running... Sounds like you had a fun time!

Measuredoak, wtg being able to up some weights. the incline biceps curls are deceiving, I always think I don't have enough weight for those until I get started....

Hi Julie, Chrissy, Mary, Jo, and Rachel!
Cendrine, Detox in my house too! LOL The good thing was that we came home to ALMOST nothing in the house (food-wise) because we cleaned out before we left. We did, however, have fresh yummy veggies from our CSA because I had my mom pick up this week's harvest for us, so that was here and handy.

Jo, how ya feeling NOW? lol I'm starting Meso 2 tomorrow with disc 13 also, so I'll be right behind you!

Julie, my sis lives in Wake Forrest, NC and it's about 16 miles between her house and civilization! LOL They live in a double-wide mobile home (DBIL's family does that for a living) and their whole 'neighborhood' is mobile homes, all spaced out far enough to NOT know your neighbor, and every lot covered/hidden with trees. We were half way down her driveway for a walk when she went back to her van to get the 'billy club' (it's actually half a shovel handle, lol) and I asked WHAT was it for!!!! She said not so much to keep safe against people, but rather stray dogs and rabbid foxes (which they've had a few of lately). lol ANYWAY, definitely NOT safe to run in.

Chrissy, I'm excited about RT too! Are you able to stay till Sunday dinner??? And who are you rooming with? PLEASE be sure to find me when we all get there (I'm staying next door for the first time, in a suite). You have my cell #, right???

measuredoak-did you join us while I was away????? And I agree, none of us knew how much weight we could lift till STS!!!

Our trip was fun and relaxing. There isn't much to do at her place, but we found enough to keep us busy for a few days. I'll share some pics when I get a chance this weekend. We went to a minor league baseball game where my kids were randomly chosen to participate in a game between innings...they each got to stand on a dug-out and throw balls into this HUGE go-cart-shopping-cart as it drove around the field (they tied with 2 balls each). We went to a Life and Science Museum which had some really cool things in, plus a bunch of insect displays that grossed out the 2 adults! LOL Our last night there, DBIL treated the boys and me to the arcade, where we played games, drove go carts, played mini golf and hit balls in the batting cages. We also went to see the new Transformers movie, which we all LOVED! The rest of the time was just hanging with my sis and relaxing (I admit, I was slightly bored from sitting still so much, lol).

OK....going to print off my workout card.

Hi again,

well, groceries are in the house and they are all clean! I'm looking forward to cooking and eating healthy again! I think it's catching up with me and hitting three parks in three days is catching up with me too... So I'm going to bed early so I'll be energized to go on our family bike ride tomorrow morning before it gets too hot!
I got a weight today!!! Yeah! A friend of mine told me that she bought adjustable dumbells at Walmart that go from 5 to 25 pounds each for 57 per dumbell. I called my local walmart and they said they had one for 20 bucks. When I got there it turned out the price was 57 but since they told me 20 they honored their price!!! I got the dumbell from walmart and got it in the house b4 stbx could see it. He is going to want to know why I am 20 bucks short so I am going to use my target gift card for grocery shopping to replace the 20 I spent at walmart. This way when he checks my receipts I will be covered. Living like this is ridiculous and I just try to stay focused that it will be over soon. Anyway, I got the weight and I am so HAPPY about that!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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