Stacey DeLapp
I will be starting my 3rd trimester next week. Everything is progressing wonderfully. My energy level is really good and my workouts have been very consistent. I am taking things careful, but am still doing power moves on a 6-inch board most often to Step Works, Power Max, etc. I do weight training to MIS with just a 15 lb bar, and my I frequently speed walk (12 minute mile for 4 miles). I just wanted to check to make sure that it is still safe for me to be exercising at this level as long as I feel good. My heartrate gets to the advanced level, but I can talk well during my workouts. I stay cool and hydrated, and pause the tape after completing warmup and section 1 for a couple of minutes before proceeding to section 2, and I don't always do section 3, at least not until later on that same day...I always warmup and cool down and stretch regardless of where I start or stop my workout.
I have several braxton hicks while I am working out, and for awhile afterwards, but then they slow to about 3 an hour. I remember having braxton hicks a lot in my 3rd trimester during my workouts when pg with my son, and carried 3 days late, although my workouts were not nearly as advanced as they are now. I just want to make sure that this is normal, and not a sign to slow things down. I also really think that the baby moved into position just the past day or two--I didn't think this happened until later in pg with #2, but know that every pg is different, and that the baby could still move out of position too. And finally, I have been feeling some pressure on my perineum...like it's a little swollen at times. Sorry to be so graphic, but one time a few weeks ago, after my husband and I made love, my perineum hurt so bad that it hurt to walk to the bathroom. A few minutes later, my son woke up and I went to carry him to our room (33-lbs) and I almost collapsed from the pressure I felt--it hurt so bad. I haven't had problems like that since, and I took it as a sign to be more consistent with my kegels. I will check with my dr at the next appt as well, would appreciate hearing anyone else's experience/advice.
Stacey - EDD 10-30
I have several braxton hicks while I am working out, and for awhile afterwards, but then they slow to about 3 an hour. I remember having braxton hicks a lot in my 3rd trimester during my workouts when pg with my son, and carried 3 days late, although my workouts were not nearly as advanced as they are now. I just want to make sure that this is normal, and not a sign to slow things down. I also really think that the baby moved into position just the past day or two--I didn't think this happened until later in pg with #2, but know that every pg is different, and that the baby could still move out of position too. And finally, I have been feeling some pressure on my perineum...like it's a little swollen at times. Sorry to be so graphic, but one time a few weeks ago, after my husband and I made love, my perineum hurt so bad that it hurt to walk to the bathroom. A few minutes later, my son woke up and I went to carry him to our room (33-lbs) and I almost collapsed from the pressure I felt--it hurt so bad. I haven't had problems like that since, and I took it as a sign to be more consistent with my kegels. I will check with my dr at the next appt as well, would appreciate hearing anyone else's experience/advice.
Stacey - EDD 10-30