3rd Trimester Exercise Question


Stacey DeLapp

I will be starting my 3rd trimester next week. Everything is progressing wonderfully. My energy level is really good and my workouts have been very consistent. I am taking things careful, but am still doing power moves on a 6-inch board most often to Step Works, Power Max, etc. I do weight training to MIS with just a 15 lb bar, and my I frequently speed walk (12 minute mile for 4 miles). I just wanted to check to make sure that it is still safe for me to be exercising at this level as long as I feel good. My heartrate gets to the advanced level, but I can talk well during my workouts. I stay cool and hydrated, and pause the tape after completing warmup and section 1 for a couple of minutes before proceeding to section 2, and I don't always do section 3, at least not until later on that same day...I always warmup and cool down and stretch regardless of where I start or stop my workout.

I have several braxton hicks while I am working out, and for awhile afterwards, but then they slow to about 3 an hour. I remember having braxton hicks a lot in my 3rd trimester during my workouts when pg with my son, and carried 3 days late, although my workouts were not nearly as advanced as they are now. I just want to make sure that this is normal, and not a sign to slow things down. I also really think that the baby moved into position just the past day or two--I didn't think this happened until later in pg with #2, but know that every pg is different, and that the baby could still move out of position too. And finally, I have been feeling some pressure on my perineum...like it's a little swollen at times. Sorry to be so graphic, but one time a few weeks ago, after my husband and I made love, my perineum hurt so bad that it hurt to walk to the bathroom. A few minutes later, my son woke up and I went to carry him to our room (33-lbs) and I almost collapsed from the pressure I felt--it hurt so bad. I haven't had problems like that since, and I took it as a sign to be more consistent with my kegels. I will check with my dr at the next appt as well, would appreciate hearing anyone else's experience/advice.


Stacey - EDD 10-30
3rd Trimester Exercise

Hi there,
I am glad that you are going to speak to your doc about your "problem." Because of the pressure that you are experiencing in your pelvic area, my advice to you is to cut out all power moves. Power moves, especially later in pregnancy, put a tremendous amount of stress on your pelvic floor. This could definitely be a cause of your pain. One thing that I have learned while working with pregnant women through the years is that just because it doesn't hurt while you are doing it doesn't mean that it will not affect you hours later.

Let me know what the doctor says.

Sheila Watkins
What the doctor said...

Thank you for replying to my post, Sheila. I was in to see my doctor yesterday, and he said that I am going to feel more pressure with this baby because it is my second, and that these types of things get worse with subsequent pregnancies because the baby can go lower earlier. My placenta is also lower--not in danger of previa or anything like that, so he said I would feel more discomfort (I'm feeling a lot of pings in my cervix) due to the increased blood vessels in that region.

The baby seems to have moved up a bit the past week or two, and the pressure hasn't been nearly as severe. I've also noticed that my kegels seem to be a lot easier to do again.

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