35 and wanting to look the way I want


Hi Cathe...and I hope that you do answer this post.

Last July I had my first baby and she is the light of my life, however, the body is not the same. But I look at it as a chance to really go to the level that I want.

I have been working out consistently for the past few months and I have added your workouts from Fit Tv. My strength is increasing quite rapidly which I am happy about.

I will be honest with you I would like to be as sculpted as you and your girls and I do know it takes time, but I have the desire.

I am going to use the next 2 months as my first rotation of exercise. I still need to lose some weight. I am wondering if the pyramid upper body work out is a good one to use for the next two months and what would you suggest for the lower body and how much cardio. I guess I am asking you what type of program should I do in the next two months. I taped the marathon of Fit Tv on Saturday. I will let you know I have about an hour to work out each day and I do walk about a mile and half each day and I eat well.

Thanks so much for your input.


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