35 and starting a family


New Member
Hello everyone, my hubby and I are going to try for our first baby this fall and I am wondering how many if any are on this forum going to do the same thing. I am wondering about working out with Cathe’s tapes if it is doable while pregnant and giving up caffeine if anyone on the forums did this and recommendations on books etc. I decided to get back in shape this year before getting pregnant; I have ten more pounds to lose before I go down this path.


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Hi there--

I just wanted to offer a congratulations. I'm not starting a family in the fall--I'll be post partum with baby #7, God willing.

Yes, you can continue to workout with Cathe, just listen to your body and modify as needed.

I usually give up caffeine during the first trimester, because it makes me nauseaus, but I think a little in moderation is alright.

The pregnancy check in is also for those who are trying to concieve, so you could come and join us there when you are ready--there is lots of friendly support and good advice.

Take care,
Maggie :)
Congrats on this new adventure! I'm pregnant with baby #3 and am due in early October. I agree with Maggie. Just listen to your body and modify your workouts as needed. Let your doc know what you are doing exercise wise. My doc advised I lift only 20 pounds max, which I do (if you don't include carrying my 30-lb 3 year old around!). And if you're having some spotting or cramping or any other difficulties, I'd definitely not even try it. You'll probably be very tired the first trimester but will feel more like working out in the second.

As for the books, I advise that you don't buy any books. They can totally freak out a first-time mom. I'd just ask your doc/nurse if you have any concerns during the pregnancy. Just my opinion.

Good luck!!
I agree - don't buy any books, especially not What to Expect (at least the older version). I had my first at 35. We're getting ready to have our 3rd in early November. I agree with everyone here, modify when you feel the need. And you'll know. One day power moves will no longer be an option. I never had to stop doing ab, chest, tri work on my back though. They also say your body will let you know if that's a problem too.

Doing a search for Cathe and Shelia's advice on this forum. It is good sound advice and DON"T believe everything you read in the books or on the web. I remember being on one site that said I shouldn't get my heart rate over 94 while exercise. Heck, I could do that just walking up the stairs in the latter stages of pregnancy. Some of the websites are really good - babycenter.com. fitpregnancy.com. I come to this forum and do searches on past posts that help me a lot too.

Good luck. Children are so wonderful!
Hi Cassandra (from Sheila the moderator)

Welcome to our forum family. There is a lot of great advice on here. Listen to your body and you will be fine. On a personal note, I had my first baby at 40 and my second at 43! I taught all the way up to the end and worked out on my own as well. Pay special attention to your pelvic floor (kegel muscles). The core is really important to keep strong during this time. You should always work out with your kegels "engaged" to provide upward support to counterbalance the downward force of your growing baby.

"Exercising Through Your Pregnancy" by James Clapp is a great resource for the pregnant exerciser. He is the "grandaddy of prenatal exercise research" and is highly respected in the field. This book will not scare you like some of them out there.

Nice to "meet" you.

In health,


Sheila S. WAtkins, MLSci.
Founder and National Program Director
Healthy Moms(R) Fitness
Hi Cassandra,

I just wanted to say welcome and tell you that I had my first when I was 36. He's 4 1/2 months old now.

I have the "Exercising Through Your Pregnancy" book and I really liked it.

I also worked out to Cathe, but modified especially towards the end. My favorites were LIC and lower impact step.

Welcome and good luck!


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