30 weeks and counting...(long)


Hi again, everyone.

I'm just about 30 weeks now (first pregnancy) and wanted to share my good news / bad news with all of you (and maybe slide in a question or two)...

The good news is, after listening to just about every horror story you can imagine about pregnancy from friends, relatives, etc. (before I became pregnant, of course), I thought I was in for he** when I found out I was expecting! Well, to my surprise, this has been pretty smooth! I was a bit nauseated during my second month, but had absolutely no vomiting (thank goodness!). I *have* gained more weight than my doctor wanted me to (he wanted 25 lbs., I've gained about 40 so far), but I don't look quite as bad as you might envision. I did NOT change my eating habits much at all during this entire time (my hubby is a chef and I definitely love to eat good food, so I've been nice to myself...but not any moreso than I normally would...). And despite paring my normal Cathe/FIRM tough 1-1.5 hr./ea 5-6x/week rotation down to a much easier rotation only 5x/week (40-45 min. per session), I'm surprised that I'm still working out at that level in my eighth month! (And just as an FYI, I really listen to my body, but haven't had to alter squats and plies much at all! I still do basic ab work on an incline, and - of course - push ups are from my knees...but other than giving up FIRM tall box work, I'm surprised I haven't stopped working out! Yay!)

The bad news is there *are* a couple of complaints! First of all, as I was warned would happen, I become short of breath much easier (when going up and down stairs, for example), and am *hot* at night when I sleep (sometimes even sweaty! yuck!)! The worst thing, though, is this darned cellulite!!! Never have I taken a look at my thighs and been so turned off!!! I'm wondering (and you can chip in your two cents here if you have experience with this...) if I'm going to have trouble getting this cellulite to GO AWAY after baby is born??? I understand that cellulite is just another way fat is deposited on the body and that my body *is* in "fat storage mode," but for some reason I'm frightened that it will be especially tenacious and stay there! Any advice, folks? Should I be so concerned?

For a while, I was disappointed to a great degree with the way my body was morphing into this odd shape, but once I resigned myself to the "fat storage mode" reality, I was much happier. I even found solace in doing these "easier" workouts the other day when I called my hubby down to the workout room to do a squat: After looking at me funny wondering why I had asked him to do a squat, I said, "OK, now hold these two 20lb. dumbbells at your side and do it again!" He agreed with me that my extra weight was probably providing enough extra resistance and that I was smart to relax about it!

:-jumpy I CAN'T WAIT TO HAVE THIS BABY! I WISH TIME WOULD SPEED UP! Take care, fitness folks! Meecher from WI.
I can't offer you more than my own experience, and since I am also on pregnancy #1 at 32 weeks, I can only say that I am noticing the same thing. Embarrassing amounts of cellulite, with a 30# weight gain. I think if you are able to lose all the weight and get back to you rold routine, you should end up looking as good as you did before. Or maybe that's wishful thinking.

The varicose veins are another story, altogether. I think I may need some laser treatment after this is all over.
Hi Meecher! Both of your "complaints" are so very normal. I broke out in sweats at night almost daily with my last pregnancy. This one I just wake up super parched and in need of water and summer jammies. As far a the cellulite goes, you may be surprised to find out that most of these dimples are related to water retention. Of course it is natural to gain extra fat during pregnancy, however, your body holds so much extra water during pregnancy that it many times shows itself in dimple formation. Speaking from only my own experience, I had a lot of dimples on my upper thigh and buttocks area, but within three weeks of giving birth, much of it vanished. So you never know:)! Good luck with everything!
Are we due date buddies? I'm also 30 wks. along & due on May 20th :)

I could totally relate to your post -- I'm still happily working out at least 4 times a week, and I'm able to do most things I could do before. I also get winded at times -- but strangely it doesn't seem to happen during exercise. Mostly I get winded if I carry my 32 lb. toddler very far, or if I have to bend over to pick up toys LOL -- no getting around this big belly!

I also tend to gain more than the recommended amount -- this is pregnancy #2 for me. I gained 43 lbs. w/ #1... I MAY be able to keep it to 35 this time (I seem to be gaining slower), but I started out with a little extra padding this time, so in reality I'll have MORE to lose in the end.

I also get cellulite during pregnancy... with pregnancy #1, most of it was gone after about 4 mos. when I'd taken off all of my pregnancy weight... and all of it was gone within weeks after I stopped nursing (you hold on to a little extra fat while you are pregnant). I'm with Eclair, though -- although it's not fun to have cottage cheese, I'm more frightened of the lovely purple road maps (varicose veins) down my legs that seem to get worse every time I look in the mirror. I feel like my grandma! The good news is that my OB has told me that she'll give me a referral to have them treated at about 6 mos. postpartum if 1) we're not planning on having any more kids (we aren't) and 2) if I've taken off all or most of all of my pregnancy weight by then. I'm not sure what the latest and greatest treatment is for veins, but I'm ready to suffer the pain LOL :)

You are DEFINITELY growing a weight plate... and the fun part of that comes when you get back to exercise postpartum. I remember feeling like I was SO light the first time I went back to doing high impact in an aerobics class... and when I started jogging a little bit, I felt so "springy."

It doesn't happen overnight, but if you are consistent, you'll be amazed at how quickly you get your body back. I took off all 43 lbs. in 4 mos. last time (I keep repeating this in different posts, but I was SO proud of myself!). I exercised and I nursed (never dieted) and I think I looked better than my former self at about 6 mos. postpartum. I'm determined to do it again.

Thanks Cathe and Susan!

Wow! You won't believe how much better your posts made me feel. You know you always hear about how tenacious cellulite can be, and since I've never really had what I've got now (I mean it's shocking!), I thought it might never come off! Now, at least, I have hope!

I've been "threatening" my chef hubby that I intend to eat REALLY lean after the birth (don't bring me any more desserts!!!) and, of course, I'm anxious to work out full strength again (especially with that 'light, springy' feeling!), but recent posts in reference to the bleeding marathon that is slated to occur have freaked me out a bit. I'm curious as to how much time it takes the average (and I think this 'easy' pregnancy makes me 'average') person to start workouts again? I know it will depend largely upon my personal situation, but, like I said, I'm anxious!!!

Oh, and by the way, I'm due on May 25...so, Susan, I guess we are due date buddies! (Though I must say, I'd be willing to place a money bet that I'll be a little early...I know when this ball started rolling...and I can count!) :)

Thanks again! Meecher from WI
RE: Thanks Cathe and Susan!

I don't know that there is an average -- the new ACOG Guidelines point to the fact that there is no real research that shows when women can get back to working out, but it also suggests that fit women, if they feel ready, may get back in the groove within days. I think that the important thing is to listen to your body... and if your bleeding becomes suddenly heavier or bright red again, then you are doing too much.

I was out walking with my son in the Baby Bjorn 4 days postpartum, and I think I was 3 1/2 or 4 weeks postpartum when I went back to my prenatal/postpartum fitness class (Sheila was the instructor -- was I in good hands or what?). Sheila wisely gave me the directive that I was not to do any of the high impact postpartum variations at first. At 6 weeks postpartum I began to participate in stroller exercise classes and at that point I felt comfortable going high impact. Around that same time I also began to do some light jogging.

I was kind of glad to see that the ACOG recognized that some women are ready to go back to a moderate routine sooner than their 6 week visit. If you use common sense, the postpartum exercise really helps with your energy level and helps with the baby blues. I think we're lucky to be having May babies... it'll be a great time of the year for taking walks outdoors!

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