3 Weeks Postpartum


New Member
I had baby Samuel Judah 3 weeks ago and I have healed up very well! No tears/episiotomy so I want to get into a good home exercise routing. I have just started researching video fitness. I am mainly interested in strength training, and for an aerobic exercise I'll be powerwalking the children in the stroller daily. Not really into step (but haven't tried) and I'm not much of a dancer/ I have 2 left feet. My goal is to get lean and muscular. I'm 5'8" and right now about 170 lbs. Any ideas where I should start???? I have no clue. What should I invest in???
Hi Bethany,
CONGRATULATIONS on baby Samuel! I'm so glad that your recovery is going well. I think power walking with the stroller is an excellent idea. That's what I used for my cardio for about 1 1/2 years after having my son (when the weather was warm enough). I loved it and so did he. As far as strength training, I would suggest for you to get the Pure Strengh Series (includes 3 tapes). I saw really good results from those tapes (unfortunately I have been slack with my weight training these days). You could simply purchase some 3 lb., 5 lb., 8 lb., and 10 lb. weights and be set for awhile. However, the tapes are more effective probably if you have a barbell set too. I purchased one from Target for $50 and I love it. I don't know your financial situation, so this might not be possible. I hear that Cathe's MIS is a great strength training tape. That's one of the few Cathe tapes that I don't own. You would get a full body workout for the price of only one video. However, if you can afford it, maybe you could do the buy 3 get one free and then you could get all of the above for $56.00. These tapes will give you excellent results. And after 2 kids, you deserve time out to take care of yourself too! Good luck to you!

Lisa Seymour
Hi Bethany! Congratulations to you and your family. How nice to hear that you have healed so nicely.

I just read over Lisa's response and that was exactly what I was going to suggest. And I, too, found the power walking to be such a wonderful way for mommy and baby to have quality fitness time together. Enjoy you new little love bug :)!
I am 4 weeks postpartum and was glad to see your post. I have Cathe's MIS tape and it is very good. You might have to modify it some in the beginning if you haven't done much with weights. I use free weights with it. I haven't done it since I was about 31/2 months and was modifying it then. I had placenta previa and a few other complications and had to drasically cut back on what I was doing. I am not going to start back with the weights until 6 weeks at my doctors request. Right now she has told me to stick to walking and easy aerobics. I had some trouble with blood pressure and Hope came so fast there wasn't time for an episiotomy. I tore. I guess everybody is different. Good luck with getting back into shape. I am finding the weight is just dropping off, but I am so flabby. Can't wait to get at those weights. I know they are the key to fitness for me. I am creeping up on 40 and find that a combination of aerobics and weights are really the key to remaining fit. I'm not terriby graceful, but haven't had any trouble following Cathe's moves. I got a great step at SAM's club for 40.00, if you are interested. They are normally are about $90.

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