3 favorite workouts


Mine are

1. Core Max (old favorite, my copy is totally worn out)
2. Gym Style Legs (new favorite, for me)
3. KPC (wins the all around toning award)


I'm assuming you mean Cathe workouts ;)

1. GS (I've been doing a full body mish mosh that I'm loving)
3. IM3

*ooh ooh ooh w/ CM very closely squished in there ;)

I think my faves change too depending upon my rotation, mood, star alignment ;)

Age only matters if you're cheese.
If I respond to this tomorrow, my choices will probably have changed, but I would say if I had to pick my 3 favorites today are:
1. Imax 3
2. GS Legs
3. MM
P.S. Hey Boybert, I would love to know what your mish mosh is comprised of if you don't mind sharing!:)
I agree that my top 3 could change, but as of right now they would have to be:

2. KPC (esp the long premix with L&G)
3. Circuit Max / IMAX 2 (it's a tie)

What a hard question!


Pain is temporary - quitting lasts forever
Candace Grasso, CC-V-6
1. Kenpo X--fairly new to me & I am addicted!
2. Core Max
3. Power Max, for sentimental reasons (it was my first Cathe tape)
My favorites...

1. IMax 2 - the one I can ALWAYS reach for and finish, no matter how much I don't want to work out.
2. HSTA - kicks my butt everytime, but it's fun!
3. Circuit Max

If non-Cathe workouts I have to say the P90X series fits in there somewhere - if only for the sheer joy of watching Tony do Plyo Pushups.
Wow, this is really hard. How am I supposed to narrow it down to only 3!!? :)
Ok, if I have to...

1.) Imax 2
2.) Step Blast
3.) Step Works

It feels wrong leaving out LoMax and Rythmic Step, though too! (Can you tell I'm a step freak?!!!)
Imax 2
Muscle Endurance
Boot Camp

These are always my "go to" workouts if I can't decide, or I am in a bad mood. Works every time.

Cathe workouts:
CTX upper body (but not done all the same day, so it's actually 5 workouts, but so what!)

Any instructor:
P90 Masters Sculpt 5-6
Imax 2

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