3 Cathe videos not listed here?????

I have seen 3 of her videos listed at half.com that arent on her website. Its rock bottoms, cardio challage, and home step something. Anybody know anything about these videos?

tracy guess

[email protected]
Hi. SNM discontinued those--I think because they are dated in appearance and perhaps in safety factors.
:) Wendy
I have the Cardio Step Challenge workout. It's a low impact step workout and I still use it when my knees are giving me some trouble. What I don't particularly like about it is that the background steppers are quite vocal and you can hear them. I suppose it's a bit dated--a phoney beach background and Cathe has short curly hair. Cedie is a good deal blonder. I think this was the first tape I saw her in. Oh--and the cooldown is unusually complicated and dancy, although once you get it, it's fun.
I was just about to ask the very same question. I have Rock Bottoms and Cardio Step Challenge and wanted to know if Cathe thinks it's a good idea to still do these videos or if she thinks we should get rid of them because the moves are old or what. Let me know what you hear - thanks. This is my first post by the way - do you know Cathe's height/weight, etc. and does she post this on her site?

Keep Rock Bottoms!

Here's why I keep Rock Bottoms (aside from my obsession with owning all of Cathe's workouts :))

The warm-up and standing leg work are quite easy if you're used to Cathe's newer stuff, and the yips and barks and whoops from the cast are pretty annoying. (Even Cathe does a little coyote yelp thing during the standing work on this tape -- I guess the mood in that room was just overwhelming on taping day!)

I cue this tape up to the floor work and use only that part, as an add-on to other leg workouts. It's only about 10 or 12 minutes of outer thigh, table work for the hamstrings and inner thigh, and the background exercisers don't whoop it up at all while they're on the floor. I guess they were too busy working -- with an ankle weight and a dumbbell on your thigh you can really get a nice little burn from this floor series.

Cedie's in this tape (she was 28, darker-haired but just as perky as ever), and Cathe's sister Liz is in the cast too. I don't think Liz was ever in another tape -- am I right, anybody?

Oh, and Cathe has the wildest little short hairdo and a little bit more eyebrow, I believe. :) Otherwise she's the same trim package and looks terrific.

http://www.clicksmilie.de/sammlung/sport/sport003.gif Kathy S.
RE: Keep Rock Bottoms!

Hi Kathy,
I have this one too, won it more or less by mistake on ebay. (Long story!)
I love it! It's just too cool to see them all so much younger...Cathe, of course, is as cute as a button.
I also enjoyed seeing Cedie from that time period, & seeing Cathe's sister.
Also, I would have bought it just for the cover...my dh loves it & may yet steal it from me! ;-)

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