2nd Pregnancy - Just found out it's Twins!


Hello ladies,

I just found out Monday that I'm going to have another baby. (I already have a nineteen month old daughter). Well, after a little scare last night, I had to go to the ER due to some bleeding. I'd never had any bleeding in my first pregnancy, so I thought better to be safe than sorry. They did an ultrasound and found that I am carrying twins!! What a total shock, as we know of no twins on either side of our family. I am a little dumbfounded at the moment. We were already bursting at the seams in our house, but with one new baby it would still be manageable. With two, we now know that a move is the only solution. And to make matters even more interesting, our insurance doesn't cover maternity - at all. So understandably, we are feeling a bit overwhelmed right now.
I'm wondering who else here on the board is/has carried twins, did you have to find a bigger house, etc? I guess I'm looking for some coping mechanisms as I adjust to the idea. But please, don't get me wrong - this is a wonderful surprise that I wouldn't trade in a million years. I went to the hospital thinking I may be losing my baby, and instead I found out we'd been doubly blessed!

Thanks for listening!!
Congratulations! I have twin boys (9 1/2 years old now) and I know that feeling of shock when you find out you're carrying two babies! We didn't have to buy a bigger house when we had our twins, but we did trade in our car for a new minivan. I had a surprise pregnancy a couple of years ago and we were bursting at the seams of our house at that time. We ended up doing a little adding-on instead of moving and it helped a lot.

Hope you have a wonderful pregnancy! Twins are so much fun and very exciting and challenging to raise!

What a blessing Tricia!

I have not had twins but I am newly pregnant.

Try not to worry to much. Things must feel overwhelming right now, but they will always work out in the end.

Best of luck and 2 healthy babies!
Big congratulations! double, in fact:7 :7

"Do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will care for itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own."Matt 6:34

I know it can seem scary when things are financially tenuous for some reason and one is expecting a baby--I've been there, but God has always provided for us. We have 5 kids and my husband is an electrician. We live in Oregon where the economy was hit harder than other parts of the country and I can't tell you how many times he was laid off his job for lack of work. (It seems the economy is turning around here now--tons of work--hurray!). And the job losses always occured when I was pregnant! But things always worked out--garage sales,2nd hand stores, and doing without extras at times, but we've always had a roof over our heads and food on the table.

Take care and congratulations again on your double blessing!

Thank You all so much for the encouragement, it's so nice to come and get support. Especially from those who have been there. I know that if God brings you to it, he'll bring you through it, and that gives me alot of strength. I am adjusting pretty well to the idea now!
Thank you all so much for the kind words!

I am 34 weeks pregnant with twins right now. I found out at my 20 week ultrasound. Like you, I have no twins in my immediate family so it was quite a shock.

I already have a 3 and 5 year old so I felt very overwhelmed for awhile. I am totally thrilled about it now, though!

My oldest two are boys so they already share a room and my twins are both boys so they will share a room too. From what I understand the twins can share a crib for about 5-6 months so you do have plenty of time to plan for a bigger house.

They only things that were totally necessary for us to get were a minivan and another car seat. It is amazing how much people want to help you out when they find out you are having twins. I've already received buckets full of boy clothes and tons of offers to borrow other's baby equipment.

A site you might want to visit is TWINSmagazine.com. They have a message board that is full of helpful people. Hope all goes well for you!

Edited to add a link to the twins message board... http://bwi169.tempdomainname.com/vbulletin/index.php?s=514148eca9989ee830db6c99c6d933d7

Congratulations!! I thought I would browse the Pregnancy forum since I would like to get pregnant the beginning of next year. That is such terrific news! I believe that God never gives you more than you can handle, and I'm sure you and your husband will do a wonderful job. After all you have already had practice with your other baby. Keep us up-to-date with your pregnancy. Get plenty of rest and enjoy every moment.

Best wishes,

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