You know, this has been a pivotal year for me, with many intense highs and lows.
I have had some very difficult challenges at two different jobs, and one of those challenges continues - but the other one has resolved and I've moved on. Perhaps dealing with this continuing challenge will help me grow in new and necessary ways.
I developed some sort of anxiety disorder that almost paralyzed me and made it incredibly difficult to even just get out of bed some days, but my doctor is helping me and we are working through that too.
While I eat too much when on vacation (and gained 6 pounds in the last 5 days!) and my weight isn't quite where I'd love it to be, I continue to work out and run almost every day and physical activity is a regular, standard part of my life that I couldn't imagine living without. And I just rediscovered swimming after 20 years of not being able to swim in chlorinated pools because of sensitive eyes! Even better, I don't seem to need to binge eat anymore and I never went back to the bulimia I kicked 4 years ago after 20 years of throwing up. I have new challenges I am working toward and I really think I am going to achieve my goals - but if I don't, the effort of trying is still worthy in and of itself.
My family and my friends went way beyond anything I would have ever expected of anyone to show me how much they love and care about me during a time when I really needed them. So many people took special time and attention to making me feel good. I had learned not to expect people to treat me specially - well, now I have to unlearn that. And I have to learn to take a page from their book, and learn how to make them feel just as special as they made me feel.
I rebuilt my relationship with my mother after a lifetime of angst and feeling unloved. I was actually able to let go of that little girl inside me that didn't believe her mother loved her and allow my mother's love in. And it was so easy, and without pain or trauma. It was just time, and the universe unfolded in a way that allowed the opportunity for healing to arise.
My downstairs neighbour made my life hell for a while, and while I'm not happy with the compromise we've worked out, it could have been worse.
When I brought my troubles, as paltry as they sometimes were, to this forum, so many of you helped, not just by your advice, but by your caring and taking the time too. Thank you all for being there for me.
I have had some very difficult challenges at two different jobs, and one of those challenges continues - but the other one has resolved and I've moved on. Perhaps dealing with this continuing challenge will help me grow in new and necessary ways.
I developed some sort of anxiety disorder that almost paralyzed me and made it incredibly difficult to even just get out of bed some days, but my doctor is helping me and we are working through that too.
While I eat too much when on vacation (and gained 6 pounds in the last 5 days!) and my weight isn't quite where I'd love it to be, I continue to work out and run almost every day and physical activity is a regular, standard part of my life that I couldn't imagine living without. And I just rediscovered swimming after 20 years of not being able to swim in chlorinated pools because of sensitive eyes! Even better, I don't seem to need to binge eat anymore and I never went back to the bulimia I kicked 4 years ago after 20 years of throwing up. I have new challenges I am working toward and I really think I am going to achieve my goals - but if I don't, the effort of trying is still worthy in and of itself.
My family and my friends went way beyond anything I would have ever expected of anyone to show me how much they love and care about me during a time when I really needed them. So many people took special time and attention to making me feel good. I had learned not to expect people to treat me specially - well, now I have to unlearn that. And I have to learn to take a page from their book, and learn how to make them feel just as special as they made me feel.
I rebuilt my relationship with my mother after a lifetime of angst and feeling unloved. I was actually able to let go of that little girl inside me that didn't believe her mother loved her and allow my mother's love in. And it was so easy, and without pain or trauma. It was just time, and the universe unfolded in a way that allowed the opportunity for healing to arise.
My downstairs neighbour made my life hell for a while, and while I'm not happy with the compromise we've worked out, it could have been worse.
When I brought my troubles, as paltry as they sometimes were, to this forum, so many of you helped, not just by your advice, but by your caring and taking the time too. Thank you all for being there for me.