20-Minute Aerobics Solution


Someone posted a question asking me what this workout is (I think it was Katiedid. I listed it in my last check-in. For those who don't know the 20-Minute Aerobics Solution is the recommended cardio workout from the Body For Life Program.

I love this workout. As Bill Phillips says in BFL It is a unique workout which you can never outgrow. It involves performing only 20 minutes of aerobic exercise three times per week (I sometimes do it 4 or 5 times).

You can do it using any cardio equipment I use the LifeCycle and Treadmill. Start with a couple minutes warm up at an intensity level you perceive as a 5 on a scale of 1-10. Then go up a notch to reach a level 6 intensity for one minute, then a level 7 intensity for one minute, then 8 for a minute then 9 and bring it back down to 6 and repeat three more times except on the last cycle between the 18 and 19th minute go for a level 10 intensity I am gasping for air by now. Then I cool down.

Sorry it took so long to answer you.
I wonder if doing the hi/lo portion of MIC would be similiar to this... I want to try the 20-minute aerobic solution, because I dn't always have an entire hour to devote to a workout, but I also don't want to give up my Cathe cardio tapes!
Musclemaiden: Thank you! How do your results on this compare to a more traditional interval workout, (intensity, rest, repeat)? I'm currently doing intervals 2-3 times per week and am looking for new ways to mix things up.

Thanks again! Katie

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