2 ?'s about WB & laptops

aqua girl

Ok I've been thinking up questions again! First, does the workout blender work good with Windows 10
And Edge? And Second, on a laptop with a touchscreen, are you able to work within the blender using
The touchscreen, like blending a workout, etc? Thought of a 3rd question, on windows 10 with a DVD
Drive, can you watch DVDs (like a Cathe workout) on the laptop? For some reason, I'm thinking you
Can't because it doesn't have Media player? Am I wrong? Thanks!
I've always used my laptop. I use Windows 8.1 and an HDMI cable and everything works great all the time. The only time I find I have an issue, it's usually my internet speed will slow down esp. when the other 2 computers are being used as well. I believe you are right about the media player, those went away a while ago. Sorry I don't know about Windows 10 or the touch screen. I find the laptop so easy and I like that it has a bigger screen so I usually leave that lower to the ground. That way I use the tv up high and the laptop screen when Cathe goes on the floor.

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