2 ?'s about STS.....risers/1rm


Hi Cathe/Chris--

I am sooo excited you will be filming soon. The pictures on the blog are great!!!
Here are my 2 questions:

1) For those of us without slanted risers, will there be someone in the dvd set up without them also, so we know how many risers we need to use to have the same incline?

2) will the excersises in STS be posted ahead of time, so we can figure out our 1RM and have that ready to go when STS arrives?

Thanks so much-- for all you do!!!

Yes, whenever we do an incline move at least one person and usually more will be using the step with slanted risers….and the answer to your second question is also yes. Our Workout Manager software will be released well before STS is released. The Workout Manager will allow you to be able to calculate and store your 1RM test data for all STS exercises. You will also be able to quickly create and print a workout card for every workout in STS showing all the exercises you will be doing in the workout as well as the weight and reps you will need to do that particular STS program. We’ve spent a lot of time making this as simple and automatic as possible.

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