2 Questions: Barbell Rep Max; Pullup Bar


New Member
First: How should I be entering in the weight value for exercises using a barbell when calculating the rep max? For example: if I am lifting a barbell with 10 pounds of discs on each side, do I enter in 10 pounds? 20 pounds? 20 pounds plus the wieght of the bar?

Second: Anyone know a source for purchasing one of those adjusting height, pull up stands that Cathe and some of the ladies in the STS DVDs use for the modified pull ups?

For the !RM, you should be entering the weight of the plates plus the weight of the bar. So if you are using 20 pounds of weight and your bar weighs 10 pounds, enter 30 pounds in the calculator as your weight.

The pullup tower Cathe uses in STS was on presale a month or so ago, but it will not be available to the general public until this fall.

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