2 months challenge till New Year????/


Hi Everyone

I have been using Cathe on and off. I am planning to start a 2 months challenge starting 1st of November.

I plan to workout 6 times a week
I plan to follow WW

Anybody would like to join me??/


I'm reluctantly saying yes (although 6 times a week is impossible for me - I'm shooting for 4). But I just committed on another forum to try WW (first time). The reason I say reluctantly is its scary to commit! But it will be good! Any workout formula you're going to try?

I would love to join in your 2 month challenge. I also have been using Cathe on and off. I am 5'9" and weigh 178 and I would like to get down to 145-150. I just turned 40 and within the last two years I have gained 25 pounds and I am miserable at this weight. Are you going to go to the Weight Watchers meetings or are you going to do it online? I also thought about Weight Watchers and also thought about doing the South Beach diet. Anyways, I would love to join in on your challenge.

Anne :)
I would also like to do the challenge. This will be fun. I have been doing Cathe for maybe 3 or 4 weeks. I also run/walk 4 times a week. I was just thinking tonight that I may start WW again. I might join online. I tried the South Beach diet a couple times. It is great if you can stay on it. I can stay on for about 3 days, and then I am like give me back my raisin bran!!

by the way, i am 5'10", wearing a size 14 pretty comfortably, my goal is to wear a size 12 by the end of the two months.

keep in touch,
I am recently over at the 3 month challenge check in but I would like to join this one to.I will post on that one to see if the couple of girls who check in would like to check in here.The more the merrier,I say.
I have been running,doing Cathe and trying to eat the BFL way.I have been 100% into it, but I have been alot better then normal.I am thinking that I should just eat normal,my meals but no set plan.When I go a stray from a plan I feel like I have failed.
Are you going to have a check in everyday or once a week?
I just signed up for WW online - WOO HOO!!! Signed up for the core plan since it doesn't involve as much counting. Will re-evaluate in 3 weeks to see if the Flex plan might yield more results. I'm so happy about this now! I was thinking I'd take the week off from exercise (no reason, just pure laziness) but now I want to start this off well. Think I'll do Boot Camp tonight...
Hi, I just signed up for the core plan on WW online last night too!! I did Cathe at about 10:30 last night because I ate about 5 pieces of Halloween candy. I felt great afterward. My weigh in day is on Thursday.

It is so great so see so many of you joining in. I am really hopeful that if stick together we can achieve a lot more than we could do just by ourselves.

Lori and future fitness dynamo,
I am so glad that you joined WW online. I found their eTools really helpful.

I guess weekly update is good for our overall tracking. But we can just post in a quick note to stay in touch as often as we can. What do you think?

Welcome to the group. Actually WW new core plan is somewhat like low carb plan. May be you can give it a try.

Let me introduce myself now. I am 31 mother of a 3 yr old girl. I am 5 fit 2’ and I guess I am 129 lbs. I will weight and measure myself on Monday morning. I want to lose 5-10 lbs, which I have never been able to do in past one and half year. In my desperation to lose these few pounds I have come across many new things. Cathe’s tape and WW is one of the best things I have found. I have most of Cathe’s tape and I have both online and WW meetings access. Now I have the knowledge, skills and resource to improve myself. All I have to do is to practice it consistently to achieve success. That is the reason behind this board that we can help each other stay focus and get to our goals.

I am planning to be on WW core for the first 3 weeks to see how it goes. I would try to do 5 Cathe workouts and may one day of lunchtime walk/run.

HI Everyone,
Since we are introducing ourselves...I'll go next.I am 26 yrs old,mother of a 8 yr old,been married for 3 yrs,not sure I want anymore kids,I am 5'4" and weigh "around" 130.Somedays I could be below that are there are other days I could be over it.
The # on the scale doesn't bother me that much but the fact that some of my pants are tighter does.I know muscle weighs more then fat so when I didn't workout and weighed 137,and now I do workout and weigh 130,I see a big difference in the pitcures from then to now.
A few yrs ago I managed to gain the freshmen 15.I was younger then,not working out and eating alot of garbage.I got back into fitness and did the low-fat thing (and it worked)I got back down to 123 and was comfy there.In the last couple of years nibbling and picking have weazled their way back into my diet.Hench the 7 lbs weight gain.I love sweets to.I can manage to eat whatever I want,workout and weigh this much,not bad.But I am sure as I get older everything will start slowing down even more and thats when the pounds will pack on.I think with a good head on my shoulders,common sense and some good workouts I can get back down to where I want to be.
Hi Everyone,

I signed up for WW online last night after I responded to this challenge, but I signed up for the Flex Plan. I'll see how I do on this. I'm going to go check both plans over a little later today as I did not have much time last night to check them out, so may be I will change to the Core Plan.

Anyways, I just turned "40" in September and my weight has crept up on me and I am now ready to take charge. When I got married I weighed around 135 and after kids it was 150-155 and now as I am getting older it has gone up to 178. I am married with three children, ages 9, 6 and 3. I have been doing Cathe on and off since April. I have her CTX series, Intensity Series and Body Blast series. I know if I stick to WW and do Cathe tapes and have you guys on this wonderful board I can lose my weight and feel better about myself.


I was originally going to do the flex plan, but opted for the core plan too in the end. Keep me posted on what you think of it - I need to research it more on the website to get a feel for it. Hoping to do Bootcamp tonight...
Oops, should have kept reading through the check-ins. I am 27 years old, mother of no kids, starting my career as a clinical psychologist. I'm teaching a course at the university in addition to tons of clinical work, so if I can muster 4 workouts a week I'll celebrate. I'm 5'5" - 5'6" and estimate that I weigh 150 or so (I hate weighing and haven't done it in awhile - am scared to start because I'll get focused on the number. Can anyone tell I'm scared of dieting?). My weight is nicely distributed I think - don't have much angst about my body, but would like structured help with clean eating. I love sweets like someone else said and having a drink or 2 (or sometimes more) with friends, which is also often associated with eating junk. So, I have my work cut out for me!!!
Today was the first day of WW for me.

I am 5'10", around 186 lbs. I feel pretty good, my weight is nicely distributed also. But would like to have my BMI in a healthy range. My ultimate goal is to get to a weight of around 150. My short term goal for this two month challenge is to fit into a size 12, currently wearing size 14.

I am 32, married, mother of 2 boys, ages 4 and 18 months. I have my bachelors in nursing and I am a registered nurse. Not working at this time. I am staying home with my kids. My 18 month old was up all night last night. I didn't get any sleep, my husband and I took turns staying up with him. He was irritable because he has a yucky cold. Anyway, very tired today.

Volunteered in oldest son's preschool today for his fall festival.

2 cups of coffee with little cream and splenda
one piece of pizza (not on core plan, at son's school)
diet coke
salad with grilled chicken, hard boiled egg, tomatoes
olive oil and lemon
diet coke
and tons of water

not too much food consumed today. i counted the pizza and cream for my weekly point allowance of 35 that's on top of the core plan.

walked briskly for one mile, and jogged for 9 minutes. i usually jog so much longer but so tired today.

tomorrow my goal is to do cathe (don't know which one) and run 35 minutes, and of course follow the WW core plan and eat a good breakfast!! I hope everyone had a good day today.

to futurefitnessdynamo,

i think the core plan is a great one. i didn't get off to a great start. especially since it was my first day, how pathetic!:) It was just one of those days! I usually can eat a "core plan" diet. I have also been on points. I like whole foods and eat a lot of whole grains, lean protein, and fruits, and veg. So it shouldn't be too bad. The only thing is whole wheat bread is not part of core, so I will have to count that with the 35 flex points you have per week. I love sandwiches, turkey, tuna, etc. Maybe I can do more salads. I am glad to see whole wheat pasta and brown rice is on core.

I think I will give it a try, and then maybe change to flex in a few weeks if it isn't me. But, i think i can do it.

hi everyone

I am getting so excited. I will start WW may be from Sunday. I am planning to do Cardio Kicks tomorrow morning. I bought this DVD last month and never tried it.

Tomorrow I would also try to eat core way. Saturday we have huge pot luck and I am hoping not to over indulge myself.

Hi everyone!

I decided to change to the core plan like all of you ladies are doing. After looking the two plans over I decided the core might be better for me, so I'll give it a try. Today I did Imax II the first 5 intervals and then 20 minutes of Step Blast. Tomorrow I'm thinking about ME or legs and glutes and running/walking on my treadmill for 30 minutes. I'm really excited about this challenge and I'm really focused on losing weight.

Take care everyone and good luck!

Wow Anne that sounds like a great workout. I might do cardio with weights or ME tomorrow, and run/walk.

Goodnight everyone, we can do this!!!

You guys are going to think I'm obsessed! But I have been checking the website for pictures of Hardcore (which I preordered for Christmas) and keep checking this cause I'm so excited. Anyway, check the pics out - Cathe's abs look fabulous! I want those abs! Ok, my motivation towards this just got a serious boost!!! (If only it happened before - no Bootcamp :( Exhausted!
Future fitness dynamo,

I share your obsession. I work at home and work on my computer until 2:00 a.m., so I am on and off of this web site during the night, so I am also quite obsessed! I didn't preorder any of them. My husband said if I can reach my goal weight, which is 30 pounds away, he will buy them for me. Wish me luck. But like you, after seeing those pictures of Muscle Max and seeing Cathe's abs and how great everyone else looks, my motivation also got a serious boost. Anyways, this challenge has got me motivated and I plan on checking in daily. Good luck everyone and lets get ready for the Hardcore Series!

Good Morning Everyone,
Well, I started my day off right.Normally when I wake and I am hungry,I don't have breakfast.I will either skip it altogether and then be starving after my workout and poke anything I can find in my mouth.Or I will pick at some cookies or something, have my coffee,and I will still be starving at the end of my workout.In thee end the pitcure is always the same.I haven't eaten anything sensible and I am stuffing my face with junk!
Not today.When I woke I was a little on the hungry side so I had a slice of WW toast,with a tiny bit of peanut butter and jam.I also had a small piece of cheese.I will also have the energy I need to get me through my workout.
I am not quite sure what the workout will be but I am definitly doing cardio, maybe one of my interval runs, and I think I am going to do PH.
We were going to run outside today but guess whats on the ground? SNOW!!!! It will probably be gone by the end of the day but it looks so cold and wet outside, you wouldn't be able to pay enough to go out there.
I also started a food journal.I have been writing in it since the beginning of the week.Its a great thing to have.
My goal in the next 2 monthes is to lose about 10 lbs.That will bring me to 120 lbs.I don't think thats to small for 5'4".I have been that weight before but I was 16!
Everyone sounds so excited! It is very motivating! And we don't need to say anything else about Cathes pitcures.Holy Cow! I didn't even know they were posted until I read it here.Is anyone expecting the workouts to be out before christmas? Everyone is so busy christmas time that it would probably be nice if they were out in the new year.Everyone would be able to start of fresh.We could jump right into another challenge after this one.
I also need a measuring tape.Is anyone else going to take their measurments?
I will check back later, have a good day everyone,

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