1st Workout with Power Hour


Power Hour Rocks! I really liked it!! I liked the slow up and down reps that just made my muscles really work. I guess if I get bored with PH I have MIS to fall back on. The other thing I liked about PH was that I didn't need a step to do the warm up like you do with MIS.

Hi bethmeira,

"Prepare yourself for the "quad burn!" :)

Everytime I do PH my quads are soooooo tired for the next few days....:-tired

I love the workout...I guess I just have to build up enough "strength" - specially in the legs - with MIS before I go to the "endurance" part with PH! :-jumpy

Keep up the good work!

Blessings from Our Home to Yours, Runathon
You don't need a step anyway for the warm up in MIS. You can do your own warm up with 3-5 minutes of ANY cardio, then do the stretches.

I've also done the warm up for Leaner Legs before MIS since the first section is for legs. That's a time saver since it's only 3 minutes.
Am I the only one that MISSES the warmup in Power Hour. I hate it when there is not cardio "jump start"!!!
[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Aug-28-02 AT 05:24AM (Est)[/font][p]If you have MIS, do that warm up then turn it off and switch to Power Hour when she launches the actual workout.

It's really OK to be creative with your DVD's and videos....you paid for them so you can do whatever you want, really!
I do that already Honeybunch. Problem is, sometimes I have less than 60 min to workout at a time and then it becomes a problem. Weights just feel so much easier after cardio, you know??
When time is an issue, you could, for instance to the warm up from Leaner Legs (3 minutes), do the lower body & upper body workouts, then save abs for later.

I have a place in my workout calendar that has the times for all the videos, cardio and weights separately, and I plan my workouts using that. Cathe is great because she posts the times for all her tapes, and that really helps. The times are also listed in the Collage catalogue, too, for all the tapes they sell.
I miss the aerobic jump start warm up too in power hour.

I add the warmup from MIS to any workout I am doing that needs a warmup - it is great!

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