1RM Instruction Video for STS


I was thinking it might be a good idea if maybe instead of including the book in the STS bundle (if cutting down on cost was needed), there could be a 1RM DVD? The 1RM process was difficult for me, being that I get insanely bored working out on my own, so I pretty much procrastinated this. After reading a few comments on the boards, I saw a lot of Cathletes felt the same way. While the workbook is great, I think the DVD would help the 1RM process go a lot smoother (plus it might eliminate the I-need-to-rush-to-get-this-over-with-so-I-can-start-the-DVDs feeling a lot of us had when we received the videos)!
Not having a DVD to follow for my 1r testing was the only time I felt let down by Cathe. Sorry to say this because I value what Cathe has done for my fitness enormously. I'm sure it is because of my ADHD brain but 1r testing was hard for me to figure out. I've never gotten hurt following along with Cathe on her workouts, ever, but leave it to me to do damage when left to my own devices. I did get hurt doing my 1r testing. My getting hurt isn't her fault but I needed some guidance as to how to break down all of those tests into some kind of order. A print out with what body parts to test in what order and how long to test in one day or over a few weeks time, would have helped me even if it was impossible to produce as a DVD.
The 1r tests were so open ended that I didn't know how to plan my time and that too was frustrating for me. I was overwhelmed with the list. I did eventually read a post of someone who made their 1r testing into a total body workout and that helped me find some structure. But, there's a lot of body parts I just never got to because it was taking me so long to test and I gave up.
Right now I'm starting all over with STS and I still love the program but I'm not going to do 1r testing because I don't want to get hurt again. Since my rehab I'm starting from scratch with my weights. I'm only using 3,5 and 8# DB and my BB is only 13#.
I'm hoping someday when I have my strength back to do 1r tests again and I also hope that there will be something for me to follow like a DVD or a rotation when I do them.
But ... I still thank Cathe for all of her hard work ... I wouldn't have recovered from my surgery so fast without doing her workouts for years before hand and having her workouts to do along side my PT after surgery to help get me strong and healthy again.
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I was also a little disappointed to find out there were more 1RM exercises listed in the workout manager than there were on the print outs. I wish I had paid more attention when I was inputting my stats because I didn't even notice I hadn't completed them all; I thought because I completed the 8 worksheets from the PDF, I was done which was not the case. I didn't even think about it and then I signed on the forum one day and a fellow Cathlete had mentioned the same thing happened to her. Maybe I missed something that addressed this initially, whether it was online or in the book, but I don't remember reading that the PDF wasn't the complete listing...

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