12 week Challenge Tuesday 7/11


G'morning Ladies.

Well I survived my class last night despite my tired body. }( I started chatting with a really nice woman before the work out started and ended up talking with her through the entire w/o so it flew by!:)

I feel a bit tired from yesterday's insane work out but I'm ok...no DOMS to speak of. Today is cardio. I can't hit the gym today unless I go SUPER early and I don't want to wake DS up that early so I'll be doing something at home...not sure what though.

Hope everyone has a good Tuesday!:)
Good Morning Wendy!

I am having a relatively happy Tuesday!

Today's Workout:
Kick, Punch, and Crunch, L&G Floor work - I had to adjust - my feet are killing me today and my knees are sore???? anyway I did the KPC Cardio drills and floor from L&G 59 minutes 278 calories burned, HR 60%ave and 87% max

Food for Yesterday:
M1 - Oatmeal and egg whites
M2 - orange, grilled chicken, walnuts
M3 - tuna, romain, spinach, tomatoes, cucumber
M4 - broccoli and grilled chicken
M6 - grilled chicken, tomatoes and cucumbers in vinegar

Have a good one - running late as usual!

Sounds like your workout was a killer - hope you have plenty of energy for the day - I am not too sure about me! Ha!
12-Week Check-in

I celebrated my spiritual birthday and fitness anniversary on the 4th of July. Because I desire to live by faith, not by sight, I packed my scale in a box that morning and sealed the box. I returned to the glorious freedom and sweet simplicity of living by faith, eating for the glory of God, and exercising as an act of worship without focusing on what I weigh. I am continuing to eat and exercise in a way that blesses my body and trusting God with the results. I am enjoying the freedom of not knowing what I weigh.

I am giving myself a break from trying to plan perfectly balanced meals, and I am simply making choices that bless my body and keeping my portion sizes small. The food logs are packed away with my scale. This is another area in which I am walking by faith. I am sticking with the same simple style of eating that blesses my body and works for me. The main difference is that I am listening to my natural signals of hunger and satisfaction instead of counting calories and planning ratios. I am packing my meals and snacks for the day but no longer weighing and measuring everything, so I have no idea how many calories I am eating each day. I know that my ratios are good even though I do not know what they are. My new style of eating is very simple. When I am hungry, I choose a whole grain or starchy veggie, a fruit or non-starchy veggie, and protein. If I am less hungry on certain days, I do not eat everything I packed just because it is there.

I am planning to do 8-week Cathe rotations with a recovery week after each rotation. I am not sure what that will involve yet. I will decide when I get there. For now, I am focusing on getting through this 8 weeks. I am scheduling 5 Cathe workouts each week with at least one rest day and one day of optional cardio of my choice. I am more active in the summer, and I am also going to the club a few times a week to jog in the pool. These were my workouts last week:

07-04-06 Boot Camp (p.m.)
07-05-06 Step Fit (p.m.)
07-06-06 Circuit Max (p.m.)
07-07-06 jogging in the pool (a.m.) + Cardio Kicks (p.m.)
07-08-06 Cardio and Weights (p.m.)

I am at peace with food and my body. I feel beautiful and light on my feet. And I do not have a number on the scale telling me otherwise. I am free. I am feeling really good about my more grace-oriented approach to eating and exercise. I have ceased striving so hard, and I am more at peace. My mind is quiet now. Concerns about what to eat and which workouts will produce the best results are no longer whirling around in my head. I am living in the moment and enjoying the journey. I am looking forward to my workouts again. No more deadlines and pressure. I am free. I will get to my goal when I get there. Glory! Cathe is waiting for me, so I am off to do Boot Camp!

Heather B.

“So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God” (1 Corinthians 10:31 NIV).
Good morning Wendy and Kathy!

Glad you survived your class Wendy! What workout did you decide on for today?

Sounds like a good workout Kathy. Have a good day.

I did C&W's yesterday and worked all day. I ate a South Beach bar and an Italian hoagie and a slice of pizza. I'm working on it. I swear.

I don't know what workout I'm doing. I'm thinking of Butts and Guts again since it works so well where I need it most. The only thing is my knees and the all the leg workouts. I guess I'll just keep the weights light as I usually always did anyhow. I'm off to look at the rotaions.

How's everyone else doing?

RE: 12-Week Check-in


Why don't you pack food for yourself when you go to work? Even if they don't have a fridge, you can buy a small cooler w/a cooler pack and 'voila'! No excuses, girlfriend!:p
I don't know what I'll be doing this morning. When I'm home I have an overwhelming amount of choices so I'll no doubt decide at the last minute!:)
RE: 12-Week Check-in

Kali - I cook all my food on Sunday, on the grill and most of the time I start it and DH watches it. Then I pack my lunch every night before I go to bed -- This works well for me and I have one lunch out a week on Fridays...to Subway - I get a salad with turkey and that is my out to eat splurge and on Sunday evenings I have a treat meal with DH - one week it might be grilled cheese sandwiches and one week it might be steak and I usually indulge in a dessert but I try to stay within my calorie range....who knows but that is working well for me right now!
RE: 12-Week Check-in

good morning ladies,

boy everyone is checking in so early today:D

this morning i did HSC 32 min timesaver. I tell you, thank goodness for Cathe and her timesavers. I almost ran out of time this morning to workout but i did have an extra 32 mins!!

I too cook about 2-3 meals on sunday and then whip out the ol' slowcooker for thru & friday's meals.

doesn't hurt i am a morning person so i wake up about 2 hrs earlier than i have to, to get alot of things done so i am not overwhelmed when i come home from work.

Wendy-good job on completing your workout last night.

alrighty ladies, well i am off to make the donuts, LOL
RE: 12-Week Check-in

Thanks Wendy and Kathy.
I'm only going to be working Monday nights from now until the boys go back to school. So I'm home all day. I just have to remind myself to eat! Plus w/ DH leaving Sunday, I'll be able to cook for the boys and eat my own stuff again which is about the ONLY good thing about this dang trip.

That is a good idea tho Kathy cooking a bunch of stuff at once. Then it's ready. I'll get back on track I promise.

I added 2 new pics to my recent photo album so you can see the results of unhealthy eating. That's why I have to buckle down while he's gone. He'll be back right before Thanksgiving which brings me to the Holidays when I started gaining. So I have to lose before then or I am DOOMED! I guess that will be my challenge!

Hi Heather! Sounds like you are doing great. I'm so happy you're finding peace with yourself. Keep the faith.

Hi Sunny! Have a good day!


RE: 12-Week Check-in

This morning I did Total Body Shaping Mix from the Firm. I sweated like a dog. I have not done this in so long. I'm having that kind of week where I'm pulling off the shelf oldies but goodies. It' good to give yourslef that kind of freedom sometimes. I have been doing only Cahte for over a year and I think it's time to let some of my old time favorites back in for awhile.

Kali- you look great to me!!!I 'm with you all the way.

RE: 12-Week Check-in

I'm back again.

Well, I started doing Power Max on my usual 6" step height. By the end of the first step segment I was feeling drained. I pushed a little and got through approximately the first 12 mins of step combo # 2 and then skipped to the cool down and stretch so I did about 40 mins of a 60 min work out. Not bad. I'm sure my body is still tired from yesterday so I'm actually not surprised or upset that I couldn't finish...just happy I was able to get something in!:)

Kali, You look fantastic! Don't beat yourself up too much...just jump back on that wagon and you'll start seeing results again! Everyone goes through the "bad times"!

Karen, A Firm work out...I recall those days fondly. I did the Firm for 1.5 years before I began using Cathe! They really are great! :)

Sunny, Timesavers really help in a pinch, ey? Gone to a spin class lately? I was going to give the kickbox class at the gym a whirl today but I realized I have the realtor coming at 10:00. I'll have to see if I can fit it in another day this week. I have never taken any classes there but spin...speaking of which, I need to get to a spin class soon too!

Okay, lots to do in little time so I'll be back later on!

RE: 12-Week Check-in

So the realestate agent that looked at our house last week came back with the market analysis this morning. Her price comes in about $10g lower than the others but I just LOVE her and think she'll do the best job! The others may have come in with a higher price but I'll bet in the end, they wouldn't get the best price for us. Now I just have to talk with DH and if he agrees then I can finally say I've found myself a realtor and can get this process moving! YIPEE! I am EXTREMELY nervous about it all though. Just buying this house was a gut-wrenching experience. I can't imagine having to buy AND sell! YIKES! If anyone here has bought and sold a home and can offer me some advice on how to stay calm, please don't hesitate!!!
RE: 12-Week Check-in

That's great Wendy! Just leave everything in the realtors hands. If you're that comfortable with her, go with it. Good luck!! How exciting!!

Well I did Stepworks this morning. Decided on Butts and guts again. I'll just take it easy on my knee. I started stepping without any risers and that helps and I'll keep my weights light for legs.

I had 6 scrambled eggwhites w/ tomato for breakfast. Got 2 zucchini's from the MIL so I'm gonna cook them up soon as I find my recipe.

DH just found out he's leaving SATURDAY at 6:30 am instead of Sunday.They have to be in TX to start training on Sunday. This sucks. He is so down it's breaking my heart. That's one less day together.

Well I'm off to download songs onto his MP3 player for him. Talk to you guys later.


RE: 12-Week Check-in

hi again ladies,

kali- your pics look nice already!

karen-i like some of the old firms also.

Wendy-i took a spin class last week. i like the sweat but i hate feeling "uncomfortable" on the bike. it takes some getting used to.
i plan on getting to the gym again tomorrow for the treading class. my favorite instructor at the gym is teaching, wooohooo!! glad to hear you found a realtor you can work with. now the fun begins. we've never sold a house. this is the first home we've ever bought. so i will be interested to hear things progress with your house selling/buying. good luck!

have a great night everyone

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